Ooey-Gooey love

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“Baby, look at me.”

Shouto’s vision is clouded, but he registers his master’s instructions and turns his head, albeit slowly, to look at him. “Do you remember you safe word?” Oh. Yes. Shouto did remember it. Master and Sir always talked about it, and he wasn’t going to disappoint them.

Shouto nodded, and with extremely slurred speech, responded with, “P-Plus Ultra.” Master smiled at him, emerald eyes shining with adoration for Shouto. Shouto loved master.

“Sir’s going to give you five smacks, do you remember why?” Shouto did. At least, he thought he did. His head was all cloudy and he felt like he was floating, and not really there. That’s funny, he could’ve sworn he was in a body a minute ago! He giggled lightly.

“Baby.” Shouto’s mis-matched eyes moved to Master’s, whose expression had now turned upset. No! He didn’t want Master to be upset. “No,” Shouto whimpered, nuzzling into his pillow just a bit more. “Sir is going to give you five smacks because you made us jealous,” Master replied, voice icier and more assertive.

Jealous? But he loved Master and Sir. With his whole heart! They were everything to him, he thinks he’d die without them. No. He didn’t want to die, he was with Master and Sir, he didn’t want to leave them!

Shouto registered the sound of a palm hitting soft skin, but it didn’t feel like it had hit him. Maybe someone else was in the room. Wait, but he thought Master and Sir loved him! They wouldn’t be smacking someone else while he was right here!

He tried to move his mouth to cry out, because he thought Master and Sir loved him! But he could no longer control his movements.

Shouto barely heard the other four smacks, let alone feel them. “Such a pain slut, not even making a sound when he’s hit,” Sir accused, vicious and controlling. But Shouto didn’t think he was being hit? He couldn’t feel it. Actually, he couldn’t feel anything. Huh.

“Bet you’d be happy with any fuckin’ cock, such a whore.” Shouto would never! He had Master and Sir, no one else could ever compare. “Might as well sell you off, me and your Master can go find someone else actually worth our time.”

No, no, no.

Shouto couldn’t move, but he felt like he was falling, as if he had accidentally tripped on a ledge and was now plummeting down a cliff. He didn’t want Master or Sir to leave! Did they not love him?

Shouto knew it, he was so ugly, and he wasn’t good enough. He felt his cheeks go wet before he heard himself, and his sobbing sounded disgusting. No wonder Master and Sir are going to leave you.

“Kacchan, I think he’s dropping.” No, no, he wasn’t, he was falling, and no one was going to catch him because no one loved him.

Warm hands pulled him up from where he lay on the bed, warmth surrounding him as shivers and broken cries escaped his body. Then he felt someone leave, and no, he couldn’t! Not right now! “Shouto! Shouto, I’m gonna be right back, I’m just going to clean you up, okay baby?” Sir was going to come back. Shouto didn’t have to worry.

“So good for us, you did so well, we love you,” Master assured him, pressing soft kisses over his hair. He was good. Wasn’t he? Or was master lying, to make fun of him before he and Sir left him for good? “Gonna leave, gonna leave, Sir said you were going to leave, don’t leave me, I love you.”

Another pair of warm hands pressed against his body, Sir was back, and he could barely feel a warm cloth cleaning over his lower half. Then there was a cold substance put onto his butt, he could feel a bit better, but he didn’t want to feel, he didn’t want to feel heartbreak.

“Perfect baby, we won’t leave ya, so beautiful,” Sir promised, pressing warm kisses over Shouto’s back. It tickled, and he giggled, in his delirious and emotional state. “Did that feel good, sweetheart?” Master asked him, tilting Shouto’s face up to look at him.

Shouto nodded sluggishly.

He curled into Master more, shoving his face into his chest, feeling the chuckle reverberate through him. Master was so strong, he’d protect him from everything.

He wasn’t falling so much anymore. He felt himself come back, taking over his emotion and mind more. He was so exhausted. He wanted to sleep for forever and ever. Just as he felt himself coming to, he closed his eyes, and fell asleep in his Master’s chest.

When he woke up, he was sandwiched between his lovers. He groaned, tired not only from their scene, but for dropping so fast. Izuku and Katsuki helped him through it, and he was yet again, grateful to be in this relationship with them.

The morning sunlight streamed through their creme curtains, the city they protected daily casting a pleasant shadow where they lay. If Shouto watched closely, he could see the air particles drifting in the stream of light, bouncing around each other as if caught in an endless dance.

“Sho, sweetheart, how are you feelin’?” A gruff, insanely sexy morning voice asked from behind him, strong arms pulling him into an equally strong chest. Katsuki lay his head in Shouto’s neck, leaving sleep drowsy kisses.

“Mentally and physically exhausted. I’m grateful we have the day off, Shouto confessed, watching their curtains move ever so slightly in the morning breeze. “I’m so sorry sweetheart, I shoulda been paying more attention.” Katsuki sounded endlessly guilty.

“No, it’s seriously okay, you had no idea and I just... wasn’t in the right headspace last night.” Shouto remembered what had actually sparked their scene. They had gone to a club, to celebrate their weekend off, and Shouto may have gotten a bit too touchy feely with Denki. But that was only because Denki had thought that it would be a great ‘joke’ to make their respective boyfriends jealous.

Hitoshi and Hanta seemed about as pleased as Izuku and Katsuki did.

“I’m sorry for making you jealous last night,” Shouto whispered, moving a naturally warm hand to stroke Katsuki’s where it lay on his lower belly. “Nah, it’s okay, it was pretty fuckin’ obvious that it was Sparky’s idea.”

Shouto smiled, a soft one, reserved for moments of love and mornings. The smell of pancakes wafted through the slightly ajar door, followed with a “Crap!”.

“Who let shitty Deku handle the kitchen? We all know I’m the househusband here,” Katsuki playfully insulted Izuku, but the bite from their childhoods had been lost many years ago.

“We should make sure he doesn’t set the penthouse on fire,” Shouto montoned, but the tilt of his lips betrayed his stoic nature.

“Yeah, let’s get up.”

As they ate relatively okay pancakes with each other, sharing soft promises and even softer kisses between bites, Shouto became well aware of something. Katsuki and Izuku weren’t going to leave him, because as much as he loved them, they loved him just as much.
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