im half crazy all for the love of you

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Maybe it was just the stress of exams, maybe it was his dad but Todoroki had just been different lately. At least he seemed different to Midoriya and Bakugou.

Todoroki came in looking tired as always after his extra training with Enji. Bakugou wished that Todoroki would take a break from extra practice. Sure extra practice was fine, him and Midoriya did it all the time, but it shouldn’t be an everyday thing.

“Hey Hun how was practice?” Midoriya asked kissing the bi haired boys cheek.

“ Dreadful as usual.” Shoto groaned.

“Kacchan and I have already ate, but I’m sure he could make you something if you’d like.”

“ N-no I’m fine I’ve got work to do.” Shoto said seemingly staring into a void before running upstairs.

Midoriya watched as Todoroki walked up to his room. Is it just me or has he been acting weird lately?”

“ It’s definitely not just you.” The blond answered propping against the island, “ Sometimes I just look into his eyes, and it’s like the lights are on but nobody’s home.”

A sad look formed on Izuku’s face. Bakugou groaned pulling him close. He knew that Midoriya had a tendency to think of the worst case scenario when it came to Todoroki.

“ Deku if you’re really worried we can go check on him.”

The couple walk up to Shoto’s dorm room hand in hand.

Bakugou knocked on the door before opening. “ Shoto can we come in?”

Todoroki looked up from the textbooks he was studying. “ Uhh yeah.” He answered practically throwing the textbooks on the floor to make room for his boyfriends on his full sized bed.

This is usually where they came when they all slept together comfortably. Midoriya had and single bed and Katsuki’s bed was a tight squeeze for the three teens.

“ Is something wrong ?” Shoto asked as Midoriya wrapped his arms around him. Maybe this wasn’t the best way to do this Bakugou thought sitting on the side of the bed closest to the way. He didn’t want to freak him out or overstimulate him, but he just needed to know what was going on.

“ Icy-hot are you okay ?”

“ Yeah I mean I’m feeling fine. I haven’t been sick or anything.” Todoroki rambled on seemingly trying to avoid the situation.

“ Mentally and don’t lie to me. “ Bakugou growled cutting him off.

Todoroki sighed in defeat “Promise you won’t think I’m crazy ?”

“ Honey we would never think you’re crazy.” Midoriya said sitting up.

Shoto took a moment to think about what he wanted to say.

“ So you know those weird dreams you occasionally get when you’re exhausted or stressed? “ The blond and greenette both nod “Recently, I’ve been experiencing that, but I’m awake, and I know I’m awake.”

Ah! That’s why he hasn’t been in his headspace lately Midoriya thought.

“Shoto are you sure not just tired and falling asleep ?”

“ Katsuki I know I’m not asleep. “ Todoroki insisted pausing a moment before continuing “ I could just be staring down a hallway and just like a coin flipped I’m there, but I’m not. It’s almost like I’m in a dream.“

A deafening silence fell over the bedroom. All Shoto could think about was how he was slowly falling down the rabbit hole just like his mother and brother. How had they held on so long ?
His stomach felt like it was in a knot, anxiety creeping over him again.

DONT READ THIS IS JUST STUFF I WANT TO READ - MHAМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя