Strawberry 🍓

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Shoto is a fairly odd guy. He normally spends his days off eating cold soba and watching the news or even reading a romance fiction book. When he isn’t just laying around he is at work typing away on a computer. Maybe his life could be considered boring but he didn’t mind that. Being boring was just his thing, he didn’t mind that at all. His life hasn’t always been boring though. Back when he was a child his parent hadn’t treated him or his siblings well. His mother had snapped on him one day. Poured boiling water on the side of his face. It left him with a scar that still makes him feel nauseous when looking at it for too long. His father had more of a mental abuser. The constant yelling and telling Shoto that he will be the best out of all of his siblings. Shoto left as soon as he turned eighteen. He never once looked back. Now here he is, being a boring adult with a massive scar on his face.

He got a job at a book publishing company. He edits chapters and even once in awhile helps on the covers but other than that he didn’t do much. Shoto likes his coworkers, they are loud but fairly nice. The company is owned by Katsuki Bakugou and Eijiro Kirishima, a unstopable couple. Shoto is honsly suprised they haven’t gotten married yet. He’s only personally talked to them twice. The first time when he was being intervied for the job and the other time when they asked if he was okay when he had ran to the bathroom to wipe away the tears that had built up in his eyes. Katsuki and Eijiro were nice men but Shoto can’t get involed, he just can’t.

It had been a normal day at the company. Young short woman rush around the office carrying stacks of white paper while other people sat at desks, typing away on their computers. Shoto had been having a rough day. He woke up with a cow lick from hell and an ache in his back that would not go way even though he had a hot shower. He’s yet to even look away from his computer. His eyes trained on the numerous words, trying to figue out if this one spesific word fit in the sentence. ‘She just looks so beautiful,’ Shoto read aloud in his head. Beautiful? Is that a good word to use? Maybe radiant or something more detailed?

“The bosses are coming!” Denki shouts, nearly dropping the cup of coffee he was holding. Shoto ignored the loud annoying blonde. He’s always like this, shouting and running around the office space. Irritates the hell out of Shoto but Denki is nice and gives him coffee so he puts up with it.

“I heard Mr. Bakugou was in a bad mood.”

"I hope I don't get yelled at for eating the last donut!"

“Do you think Mr. Kirishima is gonna ask about the new prints?”

“He’s so gonna fire me, shit.”

The room that had buzzed to life is now quickly dying down as the two tall buff men walk into the large open room. Shoto glances over at them but other than that doesn’t pay attention to them. Why should he? He already wishes his bosses would fuck him to death but that would never happen. He shoudn’t even be thinking about these kinds of things that work.

“Morning, sir!” Denki says with a bright smile. Katsuki rolls his eyes before looking around the office to make sure everything was going well.

“Hey, bro! How’s everything going in here?” Eijiro asks, with an even brighter smile than Denki. Shoto wonders how they were able to smile that big. Maybe he needs plastic surgery to have a bigger smile? Damn, he needs to save up some money for that.

“Everything is going great, everyone is working like bees in here,” Denki laughs, looking over at Shoto who has yet to look up. “I mean look at Todoroki over there, working harder than me!”

Shoto wishes the floor would swallow him up. Why in the world did Denki have to point him out of all people?

“I can see that,” Katsuki suddenly speaks up. Shoto looks over at them, offering a fake smile. How in the world can someone look that hot in a suit? “What are you working on?” He suddenly asks, stepping over to Shoto’s clean, tidy desk.

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