sounds like mothers crazy sister kate

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Bakugou groaned at the sight of the sun. The way it turned the deep midnight blue sky into a glowing turquoise pissed him off. Not because he hated it , because it had the gall to be beautiful while Shouto was distressed.

Katsuki pulled the black out curtains closed, putting a bag against the bottom to make sure absolutely no light crept in. Bakugou sat back down on the bed again , gently rocking Shouto. “ It’s okay baby.” He cooed as the little clung to him . Todoroki had another one of those nightmares. The ones where he can’t protect himself, Touya, or Rei . His poor little world falling down around him. They’d been at this since midnight to no avail.

“ you’re safe now baby. No one is going to hurt you here . Daddy isn’t gonna let anyone get the chance.”

“ Bu- mama…” Shouto choked on a cough.

“ You’re mama is okay baby, she’s safe too I promise.”


“ ShoSho what happened with your big brother isn’t your fault.”

He hoped those were the right words . Talking about Touya had always been a touchy subject dead or not .

Katsuki finally got Shouto calmed back for the fourth time .

“ Why don’t we get you in some more comfortable pjs ?”

Shouto only nodded.

“ You sleepy?” Bakugou asked grabbing the littles favorite hoodie of his .

“ N-no.” Shouto lied as Bakugou helped Shouto put on his hoodie. Katsuki kissed his cheek and handed him his cat plush.

“ How about we lay down?” The blond suggested sitting on the bed.

“ bu’ I na sweepy.” Shouto lied again rubbing his eyes.

Bakugou feigned being upset “ You don’t wanna cuddle with daddy?” Katsuki sighed “ that’s okay I guess.”

Shouto’s eyes widened “ No ! Da’dy I cuddle!” .
Todoroki crawled to the blond on the bed and laid down beside him.

“ daddy no be sad!”

“ daddy’s not sad babydoll.” Katsuki assured kissing the littles forehead. Shoto was littler than usual, but after having the nightmare he’d had he didn’t blame him. After all Rei and Touya meant the world to Shoto when he was younger. Now he couldn’t tell if he actually cared about Touya or not.

“ How are you feeling baby?”

“ ‘el ‘ine “ slurred the little clearly fighting sleep.

“ ssshhh daddy’s got you.” Bakugou shushes rubbing his baby’s back till he can hear the sound of soft snoring. Katsuki smiles and kisses Shouto’s forehead “ Sleep well baby.”
398 words

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