dream go boo

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Katsuki wasn’t usually nervous about anything, especially not taking care of his sweet little innocent Todoroki but tonight was different. Maybe it was because Midoriya was completely gone for the weekend, or maybe he’s just being paranoid.

After a fun night of playing with Shoto’s toys and watching some cartoons the little finally passed out on his play blanket in floor. The also tired blond scooped the boy up off the floor and headed for his own dorm room. Usually they would alternate between the three rooms but Bakugou had always found the other boys dorms to be a little suffocating. Not because they were messy but because they are so damn hot compared to his own cold room.

Katsuki gently laid Shoto down on the soft bed closest to the wall before getting in behind him. That’s when it hit him. Katsuki’s hearing wasn’t the best anymore, but that’s just one of the unfortunate cons of having an explosion quirk. It was a big part of why he really enjoyed having Izuku around at times like this.

Regardless Katsuki finally managed to fall asleep after walking the other sleep peacefully for what seemed like an hour or two. Only to be woken up by the little tossing and turning some time later.

Bakugo became more concerned as the little began to fidget and squirm under the blanket. Shoto let out a whimper.

He was having another bad dream Katsuki thought as he tried to decide if he wanted to wake the boy up and him be upset or him have a nightmare. A distressed whine from Shoto made his decision for him.

Katsuki gently shook the boy not wanting to scare him more. “ ShoSho wake up buddy.” the blond said softly.

“ Shoto, babydoll you need to wake up.” He said a little louder, shaking the boy a little harder.

The bi-haired boy woke with a start. Taking a few seconds to process what happened before he started to sob.

“ Hey ! Hey it’s okay baby. Daddy’s here.” Bakugo assured taking the boy in his arms.

It always hurt Katsuki to see Shoto upset over something trauma. It almost seemed that sometimes he was more upset about it than Shoto himself.

“ You want to talk about it?” Bakugou asked gently rubbing the boys upper back. Shoto shook his head no before hiding his face back in Katsuki’s shoulder.

After a few minutes the younger boys whimpers finally calmed. Bakugou looked down to see Shoto tightly clutching the All Might plushie Midoriya had left him before going for the weekend in one hand and Katsuki’s shirt in the other. Bakugou smiled brushing his fingers across Todoroki’s back lightly.

“ Sowey for waking ‘ou up daddy.” Mumbled Shouto.

Katsuki sighed “Sho you don’t have to apologize for that.”

“ I don’ ?” Shouto asked giving a confused look.

“ Baby you never apologize for being scared. No one can control things like that.” Bakugou assured running his fingers through the little's hair. Todoroki let out a soft oh before laying his head back on the blonds shoulder.

Sounds like some fucked up shit that Endeavor would teach his kids...fuck sounds like something mom would teach Katsuki thought.

“ You want some milk or something to help you get back to sleep?”

Todoroki wiped his tear stained face “ Can I has milk pwease ?”

“ Of course Hun. You think you can stay here in bed or do you want to go with me?”

Shouto sat there seemingly weighing out his options. “ wanna go wi’ ‘ou.” He mumbled motioning for the blond to pick him up. Bakugou smiled picking the smaller boy.

Todoroki instinctively wrapped his limbs around Katsuki as he carried him to the kitchen, sitting him gently on the dorm island. Bakugou had grabbed one of the littles bottles that had been left in his room on the way down. Maybe now wasn’t a good time for a sippy cup.

“ Strawberry?” Bakugou asked opening the fridge.

“ Pwease.”

Katsuki brushed his hand against Shouto’s leg “so sweet.”. Shouto smiled and giggled softly as Bakugo handed him the bottle, scooping him up off the counter. “ Now let’s go back upstairs and get you into a good peaceful sleep.”

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