trying new things

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“ Come on baby please just try it.” Midoriya begged holding a spoon of applesauce to Todoroki’s lips. Shoto turned away from the spoon. They had been at it all day . Midoriya was just trying to get Todoroki to try new foods . All little Shoto seemed to eat was Soba , Strawberries , pancakes, rice, goldfish crackers, and chicken nuggets on a good day.

“ Baby if you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it .”

“ No!”

“ Bunny please just one bite.” And with that Shoto began squalling at the top of his lungs . Midoriya sighed setting the spoon down . He had the feeling today was going to be a long day.

“ Damn Deku are you torturing him in here?” Bakugou asked walking into the dorm kitchen.

“ Daddy! Daddy!!” Cried Shoto making grabby hands at Bakugou tears running down his face.
Katsuki picked the little up from his chair .

“ Kacchan...” groaned Midoriya “ you can’t just come and pull him out of every situation just because he doesn’t want to do something.”

Katsuki rubbed the bi-haired boys back as he sobbed into his hoodie. “ Well ,clearly you’re upsetting him. If he doesn’t wanna do it right now he doesn’t have to.”

“ But he has to eat something !”

“ He can try again later .” Bakugou said picking up Todoroki’s Fluttershy sippy cup off the table . “ let’s go watch some cartoons baby.” Katsuki cooed taking the little into his dorm room.

Katsuki sat on the bed with a still very upset Shoto his lap . He put his laptop on some random kids show all the while whispering loving words to the little, hoping to calm his very heavy breathing.

Katsuki pulled him closer kissing his head “ What happened babydoll ? You get overwhelmed? “

Todoroki nodded tears still streaming down his face.

“ Aw baby I’m sorry . I’m sure dada didn’t mean to.”

“ I don ‘Ike it .” Todoroki coughed

“ I know baby . I know.” Katsuki said rubbing Todoroki’s back.

Shoto huffed laying against the blond “ tastes and feels weird.”

Bakugou giggled “ I hate applesauce too.”

Shoto grinned before focusing back on the computer screen .

After while the bi-haired boy finally dozed off for a well needed nap. Katsuki somehow managed to sneak his way out of the bed without waking the sleeping little . Leaving one of Shoto’s bigger stuffies in his place hoping that if he did wake up that would keep him from panicking.

Bakugou made his way down to the kitchen meeting a very clearly stressed Midoriya at the island.

Midoriya sighed rolling his eyes “ Go a head and tell me how I’m a bad caregiver and should just break up with you guys so you two can be happy.”

“ Stop there’s no need for that much drama Deku. Nobody’s breaking up with anyone.” Groaned the blond clearly irritated with Izuku’s over thought made up reality.

“ Well I don’t see why not seeing how I just seem to mess everything up!”

Katsuki sighed “ Deku stop . Listen to what you’re saying. It makes you sound like a dumbass.”

“ Kacchan I just don’t get it ! How is it so easy for you to get Todoroki to do things and him be perfectly calm every time?!”

Bakugou gave the green haired boy a confused look which only made him more irritated. “ It’s just ...he never gets as upset when you get mad about something ...,but when I do it he acts like it’s the end of the world.”.

“ Deku you know that Shoto is used to me acting like that because that’s how I act outside of this too. You’re not usually one for yelling even when you are mad , so when you yell it’s a bit more jarring.” Katsuki answered calmly

“ then why does he get upset when I try to feed him?”

“ Because he’s clearly eaten all of this food outside of his headspace and not like it and I wouldn’t even feed applesauce to a stray dog. That shit is terrible!”.

Midoriya just rolled his eyes and slide down in his chair.

“ It’s not easy for him remember. Just like it’s like how Denki struggles’s just like how Denki struggles. And I know this is gonna sound just great coming from me but Shoto tends to need a more gentler approach into certain situations.”

Midoriya sighed “ Yeah I know...sorry.”

The pair sat in silence for a while before Bakugou slide Shoto’s empty sippy cup across the island to Izuku.

“He should be waking from his nap soon if you want to give it a little try .”
755 words

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