i only have eyes for you (so please only look at me)

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Things have changed since the summer.

A part of Shouto wants to rewind time, snatch his boyfriend out of this awful reality, and bring them back to a simpler time where it’s just the two of them. He wants to relive the summer. He wants to hold hands with Katsuki on the beach and drink chocolate malt milkshakes at 4am. He wants to go back — back to the days when people thought Katsuki was a beta.

There’s something about seeing a flock of previously uninterested omegas crowding around his boyfriend that makes his blood boil. A year ago, they didn’t bat an eye in Katsuki’s direction. A year ago, they labeled him as just a weirdly aggressive beta. No one cared about him. No one fawned over him like he was a god. Not a single one of those airheads trying to vie for his attention ever gave Katsuki the time of day. None of them found him attractive until now.

None of them except Shouto.

Shouto was the one who’s always been watching. Shouto was the one who slowly fell for him and mustered up all his courage to ask the previously unpresented beta on a date. He remembered Katsuki’s reaction then — confused and fully believing it was a joke.

Shouto, in hindsight, could understand why.

By all intents and purposes, Shouto was the “perfect omega.” He certainly didn’t believe that of himself, though . It’s one of the things his father tried to drill into his head early on. But Shouto’s not impervious to hearing the rumors. They call him pretty, slender, and powerful – all the traits of an ideal omega mate. He’s had alphas nearly throw themselves at his feet for his affections since middle school. He could see why Katsuki thought Shouto asking him out was a joke.

“You could have your pick of any other powerful alpha in this fucking school,” He growled, almost pitifully. “Why waste your time with me?”

Shouto blinked. Tilted his head. “Because you’re perfect.”

And Shouto still believes that. Even as he watches Katsuki wrestle his way through the small crowd of admirers, Shouto can’t stop thinking about how Katsuki is perfect to him.

Sure, he’s rude sometimes and could use nicer words but where’s the fun in having someone who is always agreeable? Shouto loves the spontaneity of never knowing what Katsuki is gonna do next. He loves his spitfire blonde, rough edges and all.

The school doesn’t know it though.

They haven’t even mated yet.

They didn’t want to rush into it of course. Their relationship was already quite unusual at the time, an unpresented beta and a prime omega. Their own classmates don’t even know they’re together. Katsuki certainly hasn’t changed his entire personality just through one summer. And Shouto doesn’t want Katsuki to change, especially not for him.

He did change, though. From a beta to an alpha .

And all the omegas in school suddenly want a piece of him.

Oh god, Shouto thinks, clutching onto his bag strap with renewed strength and dread. He could feel it — that ugly thing rearing its nasty head with its beady little eyes and sharp fangs. He’s been trying so hard to tamper this feeling since the school year started. He took it out on punching bags and abandoned buildings in the training grounds. But he can’t deny it anymore.

He’s jealous.

“Oh Bakugou, are you sure you’re not free later?” One of those unnamed omegas preened, pressing her full bosom against Katsuki’s left arm. Shouto huffed angrily through his nose. Who the hell does she think she is?

“I’m pretty fucking sure I told all of you a million fucking times that I’m. Not. Interested.” His last few words were punctuated by Katsuki shoving one arm off of him after another. “And I ain’t gonna be interested tomorrow or the day after that. Leave me the fuck alone!”

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