Todoroki shouto brat Extrodanoir

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Todoroki Shouto was a brat.

Bakugou never understood how anyone with half of a brain cell couldn’t see that. Everyone liked to play like he was some innocent, attractive socially unaware pro hero.

He definitely was not.

Nobody seemed to know anything about the devilish brat that was Todoroki Shouto.


Bakugou could literally feel the anger radiating off of himself while he watched Todoroki lean against the bar and blatantly flirt with the bartender as if this was part of his 9 to 5.

They were supposed to be working the crowd - talking to the regulars and establishing a relationship so that they could get some information on the illegal activities that were somehow tied to the fancy hotel that they were at. But this?

This was not establishing a relationship.

Todoroki was literally unzipping his hero costume bit by bit under the rouse of the packed bar being “a bit too warm”.

As if he didn’t have a fucking temperature regulating quirk.

It was only when he reached up to release his hair out of the tight, pristine bun that it was in did Bakugou finally snap.

Fuck building a rapport. Bakugou seethed, storming over to the bar and interrupting the conversation with a fake smile that was more baring sharp teeth than anything else. Someone needs to teach this brat a lesson.

And he was the one who was gonna do it.


Bakugou had never felt more grateful for being in the top 50 pro heroes until he had forced Todoroki into their shared hotel suite. It was massive – spacious, even. Everything was so beautifully decorated and they even had a small kitchenette so that they wouldn’t be forced to live off of fast food and room service.

Katsuki had learned to embrace the small victories in the life of constantly being on the go. And this place seemed like a victory.

Still, ogling over how nice their suite was wasn’t very high on either man’s priorities. Instead, Bakugou took his sweet time placing the “do not disturb”  sign on the door and removing his gauntlets. He pretended not to notice how Shouto was practically vibrating out of his own skin, still wearing that cheeky half smirk that he had on downstairs.

“Is something the matter, Dynamight? I’m sure it was counterproductive to rush out of the bar so abruptly.”

In the blink of an eye, Bakugou had a handful of silky, red hair wrapped around his fist that he used to bring Todoroki close enough for him to smash their lips together violently into an angry kiss. Their teeth clinked together, making Todoroki laugh breathlessly. He opened his mouth to invite his partner (in every sense of the word)’s tongue in. He had been eating kettle corn earlier in the night and he would have loved nothing more than to let Katsuki have his own taste.

To his dismay, though, Bakugou used that same handful of hair to pull them apart just as quickly as he had brought them together.

“This is punishment, you brat. I want you to go into the bedroom, undress, and wait for me in the bed. And you better not touch yourself or else that will be the only fucking hand touching you for the rest of this trip. Got it?”

Todoroki pouted but nodded nonetheless – waiting for Katsuki to let go of his hair before beelining straight into the main bedroom.

“Now he wants to be a good boy,” Bakugou tsked, taking his time to drink a glass of water and walk over to one of the bathrooms in order to wash his hero makeup off and do his nightly skincare routine (knowing fully well he wasn’t planning on going to bed any time soon).

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