itsmells so good! she shouldn't have been that crazy

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“ Thanks man I really appreciate it . “

“ No problem Kiri . You would do the same for us.” Katsuki said taking the blond boy into his arms.

“ I feel bad leaving him when he’s this little, but I don’t have a choice.” the red head admitted brushing his fingers the little blonds hair. Denki gripped Bakugo’s shirt holding his other hand out at Kirishima.

“ ‘addy” Kaminari slurs laying his head on Bakugo’s shoulder.

Kirishima smiled his usual bright smile before kissing his baby’s hand “ Daddy will be back later. Don’t cause too much trouble while I’m gone.”

“ kitty..” yawned the electric blond clearly fighting to hold open his eyes . That’s what Kaminari called Katsuki when he was in baby space.

“ He didn’t get his nap earlier so he might be a little fussy later tonight.”

Izuku had just taken Shouto to his room for a nap leaving him alone with the Denki for a little bit.
They said there goodbyes and Kirishima went on his way .

Bakugou carried the little blond over to the couch . Rubbing his back the entire time as he gently sat down , trying to not startle him.

“ It’s okay bug , you can go sleepies.“ Katsuki assured softly as he bounced the blond boy that has laid on his chest.

Taking care of Kaminari was personal. Not because Kaminari was his little or anything , but because Kirishima was his best friend and he would feel terrible if he let him down .

“ Dada ?”

“ Yes baby?”

“ Does daddy na’ like me anymor’ ?”

“ Huh?” Midoriya exclaimed not meaning to be so aggressive “ why do you think that?”

Todoroki looked down starting to regret even opening his mouth.

Izuku put his hand on the littles shoulder “Baby I promise you can tell me anything.”

“ Daddy only likes Denki now…”

“ Baby , no…Daddy’s not replacing you. Denki is very little and needs a little bit closer attention than you do.” He explained pulling the little into his lap. How did Shoto even know Denki was here?! As far as he knew Todoroki hadn’t left his room for the past fifteen minutes.

“ Vewy widdle?” Shouto asked cocking his head to the side.

“ Yeah bunny, Denki is baby baby little.”

“ oh…” a wave of guilt came over Todoroki.
Maybe he was just being silly…but Katsuki was his daddy not Kami’s !

Shoto had been thinking for way longer than Midoriya preferred . “ ShoSho do you want me to get daddy?”

Shoto nodded.

“ Okay but you have to promise you’ll lay down and take your nap .”

“ O-Otay.”

“ Kacchan .” Midoriya whisper yelled trying not to wake up Denki .

“ shhh.” The blond hushed rubbing the littles back .

“ Kacchan I really think you go spend some time with Shouto . I think he would really appreciate it.” Did that sound weird? Midoriya wondered sitting down on the couch.

Why was Todoroki being so jealous anyway ? Maybe Midoriya just shouldn’t question it at this point.

Bakugou gave the younger a confused look “ Why does he want me ?”

“ Well one because you’re his daddy. Two I think he’s a little bit jealous of you loving on Kami .”

“ jealous ?” That was unusual . Shoto was never jealous. Katsuki passed a sound sleep Kaminari to Midoriya and head to Midoriya’s room .

Bakugou opened the door softly trying not to startle Todoroki or wake up Kaminari. “ Hey baby .” Bakugou whispered laying down on Midoriya’s bed next to Shoto.

“ Da’dy” yawned Shoto . He was always so soft and sweet when he was sleepy

“ What’s going on baby boy? Why you so upset?”

Todoroki groaned burying his face in the blonds chest. “ my daddy.”

“ uhh? What was that baby ? You know daddy can’t hear well .”

“ You’re my daddy ! Not Anyone else’s !” Shouto repeated unburying himself from Bakugou’s chest.

“ of course baby. I’m yours alone. Kaminari just means a lot to me because Uncle Kiri is my best friend and I just wanna make my best friend happy .”

“ I sowwy …”

“ It’s okay baby . You didn’t know . “ Bakugou assured wrapping his arms around the little.

“ I wuv ‘ou “

The blond smiled “ I love you too , now lay down and take your nap.”
681 words

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