Scorch Marks

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Katsuki grumbled to himself, the sounds of his mutters unreadable over the generic pop music blasting over the speakers. Who the fuck hired this DJ anyway? He would have rather just chosen the music himself, but he had a party to host despite the DJ not giving a fuck about the birthday boy’s tastes. The offensively red drink in his hand sloshed against its glass confinements as Katsuki pushed his way through the crowd of pro heroes, old classmates, and the occasional Todoroki family member. The concoction had spilled carelessly onto the floor when Jirou had shoved it into his hand with a quick quirk of an eyebrow and a, “Loosen up, I hear your boyfriend is.”

   Endeavor’s mansion was a playground of pulsing bodies. People thrumming to the beat of boring music against each others sweating bodies, wall to wall despite how large the rooms were. “Loosen up, huh?” He scowled at no one in particular, wondering where his disaster of a Pro Hero boyfriend had run off to. Shouto had a bad habit of bouncing between guests, and bouncing between laps, when Katsuki wasn’t paying him enough attention. To any of their old classmates it seemed something that would drive Bakugou Katsuki insane, but behind closed doors he wouldn’t have it any other way.

   There was something so raw and appealing having the Shouto— his Shouto— mercilessly teasing every person to cross his path, only to end up on Katsuki’s cock every night. It was worth interrupting his lover’s flirtatious, risky behaviors to punish him afterwards in the ways that Shouto craved. He loved being caught in the act, always trying to make a public display of pure lust just to be dragged away by the wrist again by his protective boyfriend. While Shouto hadn’t explicitly said that he did it on purpose to get caught, Katsuki was smart enough to see through the act. There was something delicately balanced inside of Shouto’s mind, something threatening to reach out and consume the man if it wasn’t fed.

   Katsuki, could feed him. He was the perfect ally to keep the darkness balanced inside of his lover. Something snapped inside of Shouto when he was younger, trauma force-fed through a sippy-cup by the very hands that owned the glittering mansion they were currently playing cat and mouse in. Their hands burned soft flesh just the same, the same soot stung those mismatched eyes.

   Oddly enough, Katsuki was comfortable knowing that. Probably, just maybe, because he won.  Katsuki, not that fuck-head excuse of a dad, owned Shouto.

   “Ow! Watch where you’re going Bakugou!” Wine spilled down a stupid yellow t-shirt soaking the chest of a buzzing Kaminari Denki. “Fuck, you look happy.” He groaned while mopping up the spill.

   Of course he was, he was searching for his mouse. A beautiful game in the maze Endeavor designed. Maybe he should hide the prize cheese under Endeavor’s pillow just so he could later burn the man’s sheets around Shouto’s face. Watch the number one hero’s old plaything scream for his new Daddy. Here’s to hoping the paranoid old man had a camera set up in his room. Katsuki chuckled to himself.

   “Ooohh-kay.” Kaminari had known Katsuki long enough to know the manic look in his eyes when he was focused. Knew him well enough to know to get out of the way, and fast. “Later bro.”

   Katsuki grabbed on to Kaminari’s arm, “Wait, have you seen Shouto?” He tried to bite his smile back.

   Kaminari rolled his eyes, of course this mood was about Shouto, ever since the two started dating it had been impossible to deal with. “He’s on the dance floor over there.” He jerked his thumb in the general direction of the of the ballroom where the DJ was entertaining guests.

   Fuck, Shouto must be wasted if he’s on the dance floor. This was trouble, Katsuki’s smile grew wider.

   Shoving passed a sputtering Kaminari, Katsuki kept his crimson eyes locked on the crowd. The floor was filled with their old classmates, pro-heroes, their dates, and other randoms who caught drift of a party at Endeavor’s mansion. He even thought he might have seen Aizawa while scanning the crowd which almost distracted him. But now wasn’t the time to bring up his teenage pining, it was time to catch his little mouse.

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