hiding in the closet

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They had been arguing, that was the straw that broke the camels back. He couldn’t even remember why they were arguing in the first place. All he could remember was yelling and the sound of a glass shattering. He had managed to escape the kitchen before things got worse.

Now here he was hiding in his closet huddled up in his favorite blankie with his All Might plushie gripped tightly in his arms. He felt like he was in a dream. A very very bad dream. The room around him was fuzzy and shaky, his ears loudly ringing. Shoto could feel his skin start to burn and itch.

The bi haired boy muffled his gasp slapping his hand over his mouth. Pain surged through his forearm. He must have accidentally set his quirk off a burnt himself.

“ Shoto?!”

Oh no! They’re gonna kill him ! He thought backing further into the closet. Not only was he gonna get it for god knows what but now he was hurt.


He could hear them getting closer.

“ Shoto ?”

With every step he braced himself for the beating he knew was coming as the closet door slide open.

Midoriya gave a sigh of relief “Thank god ! Bunny we’ve be-“

“ I’M SORRY! I’M SORRY!! I-I’ll TRAIN HARDER ! I’LL EAT LESS ! PWEASE DON’T! “ Shoto squalled shielding his face.

“ Sweetie what are you talking about ?we’re not asking you to do those things baby.” Midoriya said reaching out to touch the crying boy only for him to flinch away from him.

“ No ! I sowey! Pwease don’t ! Dad pwease!“

That made Katsuki cringe , the ever growing desire to kill Enji rising.

“ Baby it’s us ! It’s daddy and dada.” Midoriya assured Todoroki kneeling on the ground in front of the closet.

“ ‘ou no hurt me ?” The little muttered clutching his All Might plushie like his life depended on it.

Katsuki’s heart dropped seeing Shoto like this. His sweet little angel scared to death crying in his closet. He felt like he was going to be sick.

“ No baby never in a million years.” Izuku said calmly. Katsuki smiled he had always admired Midoriya’s ability to stay level-headed in situations like this.

“Shosho it’s daddy. You trust daddy right ?” Bakugo asked sitting in front of the closet next to the Midoriya. Shoto nodded rubbing his eyes.
“ Come to daddy baby doll it’s alright.” He assured opening his arm for the little.

Shoto hesitated before going to the blond boy. Katsuki hugged the little tightly as he started to sob uncontrollably. “ Shhh. Baby you’re okay. It’s okay.” Bakugo assured rocking Shoto.

Midoriya rubbed Todoroki’s back comfortingly “Bunny we were so worried about you.”

“ Look at Daddy , Breathe baby boy.” Katsuki said lightly blowing in Todoroki’s face as he cried.

“ Umm Kacchan what are you doing ?” Midoriya asked giving Bakugou a confused look .

“ What?! My mom used to do it to me all the time .”

“ Okay...but why ?”

“ It’s supposed to make you stop crying and make you breathe.”Bakugou said rocking his baby in his arms . He felt so bad , after all this was technically his fault. It was just a stupid comment Sero had made that had upset him . Hadn’t Shoto been through enough he thought holding the little tighter. With Endeavors abusing, Touya’s disappearance, and Rei’s loss of sanity, Katsuki felt like an asshole for causing him to have a flashback especially when he was this little.

“ Owie.” Shoto whimpered as he bumped Katsuki’s side.

“ What is it HoneyBun ?”

Todoroki coughed showing Midoriya the burn marks on his forearm .

“ Aww my Bunny got hurt.” Izuku said taking Shoto’s arm I hand examining it . Midoriya gave the little a weak smile “ How about we go get you all bandaged up and get you a nice warm bottle?”

“ Otay .” He whispered looking up from Bakugou’s chest.

Katsuki picked up his baby carrying him into the common room while Izuku went to get the medkit from the bathroom. They basically had the dorm to themselves this weekend with the exception of Kirishima who was taking care of Kaminari . Bakugou laid out a big soft grey blanket and drug out a few of Todoroki’s toys .

“ Why don’t we watch cartoons and play with your toys until dada gets back ?” Bakugou offered sitting on the blanket with the little.

Shoto laid on his stomach All Might plushie in hand seemingly watching Spongebob reruns. Bakugou had gotten up to make Shoto a warm bottle of milk when Midoriya came back with aloe gel and a bandage for Todoroki’s burn. Katsuki popped the bottle in the microwave before going over to help .

“ You look really cute in your onesie today babydoll.” Katsuki said pulling Todoroki into his lap trying to distract him from Izuku having to touch the burn on his arm to no avail.

Shoto gave a distressed whine as Midoriya began rubbing aloe on the burn . “ I know baby I’m sorry . I promise I’ll be quick.” He said starting to wrap a bandage around the littles arm .

“ See baby all better “ Midoriya said kissing Shoto’s bandaged arm .

“ ‘Ada kiss!”
Midoriya smiled and kissed Todoroki’s
bandaged arm again .

“ No! Big boy kiss!” Shoto said pointing at his lips .

“ Of coarse .” Midoriya giggled leaning in and kissing Shoto . The smile on Todoroki’s tear stained face made his heart fill with joy .

“ Hey ! Where’s daddy’s kiss?!”

Shoto giggled before kissing Katsuki on the lips .

Midoriya got up to get Shoto’s bottle giving it a shake before handing it over to the little.

“ ‘ank you.” Todoroki smiled

“ You wanna see if Denki wants to play ?” Bakugou asked wrapping his arms around Todoroki.

Shoto shook his head bottle in his mouth. “Nuuh I wanna stay with Dada and Daddy.”.

“ Okay Bunny!” Midoriya said happily laying on the blanket next to the duo .

Bakugou sighed cuddling up to Midoriya and Todoroki. “ Babydoll we didn’t mean to upset you earlier. We’re sorry.”

Shoto took his eyes of the Tv to look at the others “ It okay I know .”
1004 words

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