Bunny 🐰

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Shoto Todoroki has always been a quiet and reserved guy. Even in middle school he had kept to himself. So it was a wonder he'd get a job that doesn't have to do a lot of talking.

It was a basic office job. Nothing that special. He's the personal assistant to the boss of a major company. The company mainly dealt with hero type of things. All he has to do all day is file papers and get anything that his boss needs. That involves coffee or even getting his boss something to eat for lunch. Shoto is also in charge of setting up meetings and making sure his boss is driven anywhere that he needs to be at.

His boss, Izuku Midoriya is  a cheerful kind of guy. Always has a smile on his face and uses his manners very well. He's always dressed in black suits or even green at times. In Shoto's opinion, Izuku is a man that has his life together.

Shoto had been surprised that he got a job at the agency. The agency was well known for all heroes. Even Shoto's own father had been surprised he got in. He's not anything special so it was a big surprise that Shoto was chosen out of eleven other people.

Shoto liked his job. At the beginning of his job he never really looked at his boss, just did as he said. He rarely speaks to other coworkers. Even when he does that's usually to tell Katsuki that he's being loud and annoying or telling Denki to go away. His life was going great. That was until Izuku began to do strange things.

Izuku touches Shoto, a lot. At first, it had made Shoto flinch hard due to shock but after the sixth time, he was used to it. Touches on his lower back, shoulder, head, and even one time on his upper thigh.

Shoto had no idea what exactly his boss was doing but he liked it. Izuku is attractive, that was obvious. Why would Shoto tell the only guy that's ever touched him like that to stop? He didn't want those soft touches to stop, he craved more actually.

Sometimes Shoto would purposely walk close to his tall handsome boss just so their hands would brush up against each other. Izuku never seemed to mind. Shoto would even purposely drop something in front of Izuku's desk and pick it up, just to make sure Izuku knew how nice his ass looked in his new work pants.

Shoto’s sex life is rather…non-existent. He’s never had sex or even held hands with another person. He however has kissed another person. The kiss was nothing more than a peck on the girl's lips but it still counts. That was back in kindergarten with his best friend, Momo Yaoyorozu. Besides all that he is inexperienced.

He doesn't hate that he's inexperienced. He just plans to keep to himself. He enjoyed the way Izuku touched him but he knows as soon as his boss finds out he's a virgin all of those nice touches will disappear. He doesn't feel pressured to lose his virginity. But if Izuku was the one taking his virginity, Shoto didn't mind.


“Are you doing okay, boss?” Tenya Iida asks Izuku who had looked more and more pissed off as the day continues on. Shoto had been watching his boss from afar. He’s noticed the change in the other man. He’s noticed he’s been agitated all day but hasn’t said anything nor has anyone else in the office. Iida had been the first one to speak to Izuku about his strange attitude. Everyone held their breath when they heard Iida speak.

“Am I doing okay?” Deku asks, a frown on his face. “Do I fucking look like I’m doing okay?” He growls in anger.

“Oh…sorry?” Iida recoils in fear. His tall statue is shrinking slightly. It was an odd thing to see.  Iida looking all uncomfortable and nervous. Shoto never thought he'd see a man like that act in such a way.

DONT READ THIS IS JUST STUFF I WANT TO READ - MHATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang