Bakusoft and I

330 12 29

Heya !

Let's get in !

I absolutely love this chapter !

Enjoy ~

" I hope it's here... " (y/n) stood before the massive door of the Bakugo's family, " he said that my house is a village but his is big too... "

Even if nervous to see Bakugo, the girl exclaimed :

" Oh come on (y/n) ! You're not gonna stay here forever ! Anyway, you'll see him again sometime ! It's just more or less late ! " she pressed on the doorbell.

A few seconds later , the door opened, revealing a very beautiful woman who was Bakugo's exact copy.

Oh my gosh ! (y/n) thought, she's so pretty !

" Who are you ? " the woman asked.

" I-um-hello, Miss Bakugo I presume... I am Bakugo's classmate and I'm in charge of giving him the sheets he didn't get. "

The lady stared at you for what seemed like a minute before cooing.

" Oh my gosh you're so cute !!! MASARU COME SEE HER !!! What's your name, sweetie ? "

" Um... my name is (y/n) (l/n). " the girl replied, confused.

" I'm Bakugo Mitsuki ! But come on ! You can go in ! " she opened the door wide for (y/n).

In the lounge, the teenager noticed a man with brown spiky hair. He was quietly reading on the sofa.

" Masaru look ! It's (y/n) ! She is Katsuki's friend ! Do you realize ?! Katsuki not only has a friend, but a girl friend ! "

" This is fantastic ! " the man smiled. " Let me introduce myself : I am Bakugo Masaru, husband of Mitsuki that you can see and father of Katsuki. " he extended his hand, that (y/n) shook. " It's a pleasure to meet you. "

" Likewise. " the girl replied.

" Well, if you excuse me, I think it's my tim— "

" You know what (y/n) ? It wouldn't be right if I just let you leave like this after what you've done to my son. So what about you stay here for the dinner ? I'm sure that Katsuki would be okay with that ! "

" You know I don't think— "

" BAKUGO KATSUKI !!!! GET YOUR ASS UP !!!! WE HAVE A GUEST !!!! " the woman yelled.

A couple of seconds after, Bakugo showed up, in rocket pyjamas, the tip of his nose all red. He was a constantly sniffling, so the girl could assume that he was very sick.

When he saw (y/n), the boy froze.

" What ?! What the hell are you doing here ?! " he yelled.

" (y/n) brought you all the lessons you missed you were absent ! She's so lovely ! So she's gonna grab dinner with us ! Sweetie, can you give me your parents' number so that I can call them ? "

This question made Bakugo sweatdrop. He looked at his mother dead in the eyes, to make her understand that she did something wrong.

" You won't have to call them, miss. I'm an orphan. " (y/n) replied.

" OHMYGOSHIMSOSORRY !!! " the lady exclaimed, " I'm really sorry dear ! I didn't mean to— "

" Don't apologize it's okay ! " the small girl smiled. " After all you couldn't know, so how can I blame you ? "

" Oh dear that's so sweet of you ! If you want, you can go upstairs with Katsuki ! I'll let the two of you alone by the time Masaru and me cook ! Come on Katsuki, you can show your room to (y/n) ! "

Whirlwind ( Bakugo x reader )Where stories live. Discover now