The mall and its problems

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Hi y'all

It's been a while now

Anyway enjoy ~

" Hello class. " Shota, also called the yellow caterpillar said. " As you all see, (y/n) is now back in our class. Y'all know how the trial finished but I demand not to invade her with questions. " he glared.

Everybody sweatdropped and quickly nod.

" Anyway I have an important announcement. "

Whut so I'm not important ?

" The final exams are coming. If you pass them, there's a summer camp organized for you. "

" A summer camp ? COOL !! " Kirishima exclaimed.

" I'm definitely gonna make y'all forget the definition of this word by the end of the year. Anyway. There will have a written and a practical tests. If you fail one of them, you won't go to that summer camp. "

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" Same bro... same... " Kirishima let out a very fucking manly tear. ( anyway )

" If you guys are struggling with lessons you can just come at mine ! We will all study together. " Momo suggested. " Who would like to come ? "

" Oh me ! " Mina raised her hand.

" Me too ! " Kirishima said.

" Yes please ! " Pikachu cried of joy. It was literally clear that he didn't want to go at Momo's house to work, he was in fact hoping that some hentai would happen between him and who knows.

" ... (y/n) ? " everybody turned to the (h/c)-ette.

" Huh... I'm sorry I'll be busy modeling. "

" Oh... it's okay don't worry... " Mina sadly smiled. " We'll find another moment then. "

" (y/n). " Shota popped up and said. " I have to talk to you. In private. " he left.

(y/n) hurried after him. She just hoped he wasn't gonna beat the shit out of her.

" What's wrong ? "

" I'm very sorry (y/n). You won't be able to do the practical part on the exam. "

" Why ? " the (e/c) eyed girl tilted her head in confusion.

" With what happened during the sports festival, we can't take the risk of hurting people again. During your fight with Bakugo, you were lucky you regained control for a very brief time but we can't know if it'll happen again. I'm very sorry. "

" It's not a big deal. It's logical after all. "

" But... "

Bitch she knew it ! This hoe can't deal with someone without saying « but » more than 7 times. Ugh.

" Since it'd be too easy if you just had to do the written part so you'll be going to the summer camp only and ONLY if you have 100% at the test. "

Bitch please ?

(y/n) looked at Shota like he had said something utterly crazy, which was the case but whatever.

Whirlwind ( Bakugo x reader )Where stories live. Discover now