Not expecting the unexpected chpt18

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Noi pov

I got up and saw Asch wasn't here. I saw the door on the ground because Asch for some reason decided to kick it instead of opening it. I grab wood for a chest and craft a door. I place it on the frame and just throw the other door away.

I put my horns out because I feel more free with them out. Then Leif comes downstairs and I stare at him blinking.

He stares back.

It was pretty awkward.

"Uhm.. Hello..?" I say to him.

"Hello Noi." He responds.

He started to blush a little. Maybe cause of my just randomly speaking I don't really know. We just stand there for just a few minutes.

"Where did Asch go? I wanted to tell him something."

"He went outside. He didn't tell me where he was going out side."

"Ah ok then."

I wanted to continue the conversation we had before I fell asleep. I saw Leif walk back upstairs and I follow him.

"Why are you following me weakling?"

I shrug. "I kinda don't want to be alone. It feels weird."

He goes to the sofa in my bedroom and sits there being bored. Then I hear the door bell ring.

I think it might be Asch. Finally having some manners. I walk downstairs and go to the door. I open and it was Zane!

"Hi Noi.."

"Hello Zane! What are you doing here?"

"Are u a demon by any chance?"

A demon? A demon? Does he mean daemos?

"What do you mean demon Zane?"

"Ugh like the two weirdos in your house. The horns thing."

Did he just call them weirdos? I hope Zane already learned his lesson after I beat him up with a literal broom.

"You mean daemos? Because I am a daemos. Why ask Zane?"


He got very quiet after that. Did I offend him? I really hope I didn't offend Zane.

Leif pov

I heard Noi and some stranger downstairs talking. To be honest I don't really know on what to do. Ava kinda taught me how to use this thing called a F-Own. She gave me one and taught me how to use it.

Its really weird actually. When I take this thing called a pic-sure it goes on a photo thing and saves. I go look down stairs and see the emo person I saw in the forest before and see Noi. They seem to be talking about something.

Then the fuck boy points his finger at me and Noi turns around. I go back upstairs and hear Noi and that weirdo talk. To be honest I want to go done there but I didn't feel like it. I sat on the couch and stared at the black f-own.

Noi pov

Zane randomly points at Leif when he peeks his head down stairs.

"Why did you point at him Zane?"

"Are you like him? The white haired person with green horns?" Zane asked me.

I didn't understand anything he just said. Then I hear a TNT being placed. Its probably Ein blowing up my house for the 1,000,000,000,000,000 time.

"I'm just gonna go. Bye Noi.." Zane says as he closes the door.

I looked through the window to see the TNT but didn't see any.

Then Leif comes downstairs.

"Who was that guy?" He asked.

I told him that was Zane.

"Who's that blue guy?" He points to Ein.

Ein was hold this weird purple tnt. It didn't look normal... I don't understand how Ein gets these kinds of tnt.

Its like he's actually getting smarter. He was holding flint and steel.

I wasn't ready for Leif to blow up on the second day he was on this server.

"I'll be right back! Don't do anything." I tell Leif.

"Ok then."

I go outside and stare at Ein with my sword out.

"Oh uhm hi Noi.. Heh.."

"What the actual fuck are u doing?"

"Also what is that weird looking purple tnt."

"I can't tell you! I was going to remove it anyways! Go back to your house and hang out with your friend as I "remove" the tnt."

I stare at him as I slowly walk back into my house.

"Who the hell was that guy? He seems suspicious as fuck." Leif ask.

"That's Ein the dumbest person in the server. He calls himself "The Best Prankster." I tell Leif.

Then I hear the sound of hissing. The tnt does nothing.

It didn't even explode it just disappeared.

"What the?! HOW DID THE TNT NOT EXPLODE?!" I hear Ein through the glass.

"Hey Leif can you go upstairs and stay there for a bit? I need to deal with some... business.."

Leif goes upstairs in to the guest bedroom I had. I go outside with my sword out.

Ein stares at me with fear.

~1 minute later~

I killed Ein with no shame. I pick up all his items that are mostly useless and go back inside. I throw away his items and put away my sword.

"Its been like 27 minutes where is Asch?" I thought to myself.

I go upstairs and go to ask Leif.

"Where the hell is Asch?"

"I don't know. That dumb bitch left without a damn reason."

"You hungry?"



It got quiet after that. I sat on the random probably possessed chair that has been in my house ever since I moved here.

I open my phone and start watch random stuff on YouTube while Leif pets my cat. I still had the tnt I stole from Ein. Maybe I can use it for something.

I let out horns because I can.

"Woah." Leif says very randomly.


"Haven't seen you have your horns out for awhile."

"You gotta get used to it cause I'll have it out at very random times."

He just nods. I'm starting to get worried about Asch. He has been gone for 30 minutes. I look at my phone and watch very random videos that are on my recommended page.

"I'm going to watch socky. Do you wanna come down with me weakling?"

"Sure I'll come in a minute."

Leif leaves the room and heads downstairs. I follow him downstairs and he turns on the TV and starts watching socky. I go to my dog and start playing with her.



I will be making Asch x Noi x Leif soon!

Yuki_the_simp shout out to them for the ship!

Everyone have a lovely day!!! 💙

Edit- Love reading my old writing so much <3

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