Not Meant To Be Friends chpt29

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Another long awaited request by Yuki_the_simp again I'm sorry for taking so long!

(Also might start letting y'all request as long as it goes with the plot becuz I'm almost out of ideas ;-;)

Pierce pov

After the server meeting me and Ein decided to pull more pranks. So we go together to our secret base and plan a prank. 'What about we steal one of Zanes stuff!' Ein suggested. 'Mm.. Last time I tried he turned me into a dog..' I tell Ein.

'My word! Then how about we just burn houses? Aren't they made of wool and wood?' Ein tells me. 'Genius! How about we also burn our houses too! It'll make it seem like someone else did it!' I tell him. Then Ein grabs a flint and steel. 'Wait wait! What about the guest?' I tell him

'Oh yeah! I forgot about the guest.. Mmm maybe no fire.' He says putting the flint and steel away. 'How about... We just cause chaos?' I recommend. Ein looks at me in pure confusion. 'Like you know uh.. Yeah I don't know what pranks we can do..' I say to Ein.

'Ugh! How did we run out of pranking ideas! That's impossible!' I tell Ein. 'Oo! How about we kill everyones pet! Maybe even kidnap them!' He tells me. Then I start to think. Isn't that not a prank? That's harming the server is it not?

'Isn't that a bit too cruel?' I ask Ein. Even though I love him, taking pets is something I'm uncomfortable doing. 'It's not that bad! Either we can take the pets or we can pretend there is a stalker stalking everyone!' Ein says.

Was Ein toxic? I don't even know. Maybe I should apologize to Rhys and Noi. Maybe they are right! I don't know at this point. 'hello????' Ein says flicking my forehead. 'How about we just steal? Wouldn't that be nice?' I say trying to not make the plan toxic.

Ein agreed and we decided to head to Mac. We steal all her vegetables yuck. Then we grab them I throw it in a fire. 'Why does Mac even like vegetables?! There so disgusting!!!' Ein points out. I had to agree. Why like vegetables? They are technically grass!

'Kim?' I ask. Ein agrees. We then knock on the door. Did I mention I have a small crush on Kim? Then Lorelei opens the door. 'Hi Pierce! And.... You?' She says. Ein stares in disgust. 'Why do you sound like Mac?!' He ask. 'I don't! Why do you look like Pierce?!' She complains.

'Ein!!!' I yell at him. 'Hi Lorelei. Sorry for bothering you! And Kim....' I tell her. 'It's fine! It's perfectly fine! Kim was busy anyways! We're planning something right now!' Lorelei tells me. 'See you later!' I say dragging Ein on the ground.

When we get far enough for Lorelei I let go of Ein. 'Who is she?! Is she you girlfriend?' Ein ask me. 'What no! I would never!' I tell him. Lorelei was nice but very weird so even if she wanted me I would Reject. 'KC?' Ein ask. 'Zane will with absolutely no regret, turn me into a chicken and you into a cow.' I tell Ein

Ein gets up and brushes his shirt. 'How about Aphmau?' Ein ask. 'Her little "ZANEEE" thing will ruin us! Hope she realizes one day she isn't the "star of the world!"' I tell Ein. Yeah yeah Aphmau is nice but are you kidding! She is so overreacts about EVERYTHING!

Hope Aphmau realize the world doesn't revolve around her. 'I know right! Remember that one time she called Zane to kill us because we trampled her flowers! We could've replanted them!' Ein says walking to our secret base.

'Maybe we should prank her.' I tells Ein. Ein grins in a very evil way. He runs to the stash of TNT we have and brings out the most dangerous one. 'EIN! That TNT is like a nuke! Don't use it!' I tell him. 'Awhhh. How about the rising flames one?' He ask.

'Doesn't that launch fire in the air when its lit?' I tell him. He nods. 'WOULDN'T THAT BURN THE WHOLE SERVER?!' I yell. 'Its not that bad!' Ein says actually pulling it out. Maybe he was toxic. I actually need to apologize to Noi and Rhys.

Then I try my best to stop him. Due to my height I stop him. He groans. 'FINEEE!! If that's too dangerous how about the over sea one? Isn't that like flooding the inside of her house? Imagine we can kill her using this!' Ein ask. 'EIN! We can't kill Aphmau! She is the server owner!' I tell Ein

'But why? We do this all the time! Who cares about Zane!' Ein says. 'I can't make myself look bad in front of my other friends! Those random guest are my friends! My old ones! I left them to join Aphmau before she was all whiny.' I tell him muttering. Ein got silent. Dead silent.

'I didn't expect Noi to follow me. He said he wanted to me safe but ever since I and him joined all I have done is treat him like absolute shit! Then when I met you..' I say. I felt my throat close

'I feel like you somehow convinced to just ruin my old actual best friend life..' I whisper. I felt like crying. I never knew how toxic Ein was. And yet here I am finding out. 3 years later... I'm hanging out with the most toxic person in the server.

I used to be so calm! But Ein.. I don't know anymore... Can we even be friends? He just.. Changed EVERYTHING and I mean everything in my life. The quiet calm Pierce from the past? I miss it.. Maybe me and Ein aren't a good paring..

Maybe.. We weren't meant to be friends... 'Pierce..?' Ein says. 'I think we shouldn't be friends.' I tell him. I look at him. I could see pure shock in his eyes. 'I- fine... I understand..' He says. 'No! I don't think fate.. Wanted us to be friends..' I tell him.

He looks at me. My old friend looks at me. 'I know how quiet you were before I became friends with you.. And I know I changed you by like an entire milestone.. Yeah.. Maybe fate didn't mean to make us friends...' He says. I look at him.

I grab keys to the base. 'Give it to a friend meant to be made with you.. Our friendship is over..' I say giving him the keys. Then I go to the bases front door. I could here Ein sigh and put something in a chest. 'Wait!' He calls. I turn around.

He hands me the sword Asch gave to me. I look at it. I should go back with Ava if the portal was ever opened. I kinda miss my old life style. All quiet and calm.. I will. I won't change my personality.. But my fate.. I need someone. Just someone.

I leave the base with the sword in my hand. Was it worth it? Not being friends with Ein anymore? I need to apologize to Rhys and Noi. I never realized how toxic Ein was. He kinda turned me into some monster you could say..

Maybe it was true.. Me and Ein aren't just meant to be friends.. Or even lovers.. I want to forget me having a crush on Ein. I walk in the forest.

Was it worth it? Maybe.. I wish... If Ein never turned me into some prankster then.. Maybe just maybe... We could've been actual friends.. If he didn't intend on pranking people then..

Maybe fate would let us be actually friends.


Bro I just realized once I finished writing I did the request wrong again. Yuki_the_simp I AM SO SORRY!! I forgot I could just read the request again to see what to write about! I'm so sorry Yuki_the_simp again!

Also if you remember Yuki_the_simp in like March you gave a list of requests? I'm not going to do 5 if your okay with it? I'm sorry for saying your name like 50 times this chapter btw.

Y'all Pin (Pierce x Ein) shippers gonna lose there fucking minds lmao! I'm now planning on doing Kim x Pierce so I'm sorry all you Pin shippers!

Might put this book on hold btw!! I don't really know!!

Have a wonderful day/night/evening!

Word count- 1417

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