The Void chpt27

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Time is 9:23pm

Zane pov

I start to freak out. My hands a fucking disappearing! My hands! The more I speak the more my hands are gone! My arms are gone. Well I guess I'm kinda just fucked. I started to give up. I see my vision start to blur. Then it goes away. Now all I am is air.

Aphmau pov (Just realized she is still in Aarons house watching a movie and eating stale pizza for fucking 12 chapters💀)

It felt like I was watching this movie forever. But then the credits roll in. I say my goodbyes to Aaron and leave. I check my phone and see its already been more than 50 years. Its 9:27pm. Geez how long was I watching the movie for? Anyways I didn't wanna bother anyone at this time so I went home.

Then I realized. Zane would've called me or texted me at least once today. He always has time to text his best friend. I grab my phone and check my missed messages. I red all of them. But none of the messages I red mentioned Zane. Not even Zane said anything! You know what? Once I take a quick bath I will call him. I go back home and go to the bathroom. I start to remove my clothes and start taking a bath.

~one bath later~

I grab my towel and wrap it around my body. I grab my phone making sure Zane didn't text me. I'm so gonna kill him. Well after I change of course. I grab my pjs and go to my bed. I see my dog sleeping peacefully on his dog bed. Glad he's alright at least. Time to call Zane! I go to the calling app and call Zane.

He never answered. I tried calling him again and again. But it seemed he didn't answer. Maybe he forgot his phone? Maybe he is a heavy sleeper? Zane isn't a heavy sleeper though.. Is he okay? What if he's injured! KC would've told me though. Maybe Kim? I mean Kim and Zane are somewhat good friends. They are the only smart ones so they must talk to each other.

You know what! I'm gonna text her even though its really late. Although she is most likely asleep I don't think she will mind me waking her up? Right?

Aphmau's phone

Aph- KIMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!

Aph- KIMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!

What is it Aph? -Kim

I'm trying to sleep -Kim

Aph- Well I wanna know where the hell Zane is!

Aph- He hasn't called or texted me today!

I have a good feeling he is busy right now -Kim

Aph- What do you mean Kim?

Well.. I think he's doing something he isn't supposed to be doing.. -Kim

Aph- I'm sorry. WHAT?

He is in the end I think -Kim

Aph- Are you kidding me?

Aph- I thought he knew better than this!

Aph- Even he helped me with making the rules and he is breaking them?!

He made some of them? -Kim

Well I mean, what did I expect. -Kim

Aph- Is he alive?

I'm not sure Aph. He could be dead for all I know! -Kim

Aph- Hopefully he saved his spawn point because it ought to suck if he didn't.

Yeah hopefully he is alive. -Kim

Aph- Well I'm calling a a server meeting tomorrow.

Aph- I need to announce some new rules.

New rules?! -Kim

You said you will never change them! -Kim

Aph- Well it seems the no pranking rule has be broken more than 100 times.

Aph- Might as well change them!

I guess. Well I'm going to sleep now. -Kim

Goodnight Aph! -Kim

Aph- Goodnight!

Aphmau pov

Wow... Never expected Zane out of all people to break one of our biggest rules. Going to the end.. How unexpected. Maybe the server meeting can knock some sense into Zane. Lets hope he doesn't get hurt. I think save inventory is on though. But he will have to burn the end items he got. Ein and Pierce are the people who most likely should receive anything.

Time to go to sleep. I turn off my phone and place it on my desk. Before sleeping, I grab a glass of water and drink it. I return back to my room and lay in my bed. Why must you go to the end Zane? You are the one who made up the rule too. Why? Is it to impress KC? If it is its too far. Zane if you break another rule, I might have to kick you out of the server. Lets hope you don't do that...

I close my eyes and fall asleep.

So short so short but I don't know what to add!!!

But at least its a bit longer than the last post lol.

Word count- 807

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