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If felt like a life time by the time they made it to the diner. A small smile was on her face as she walked out. Once more catching her appearance in the window.

'I need to go shopping soon.'

Head up high after she said bye and thank you. She has manners; you know. Before walking into the diner that looked as if it came directly out of the 50's very vibey. Not seeing any of the boys or an older man, she went to the cashier. Ignoring the sneer that the brunette was giving her. It wasn't her problem if she was intimidated or even dare she say. Stupid enough to like any of the boys she works with.

'Fucking dumb bitches. Getting a job for guys who couldn't care less about you.'

Ignoring the looks she was getting from the patrons at the diner. Clearly this was a small enough place that people can tell she wasn't from around here. Meeting the brunette's eyes, trying not to roll her green ones as she could feel and see the animosity rolling off of her. Sadly, she was a pretty girl too they could have been friends sorta. Tall with a model like build, big brown eyes , full lips. Pretty tan skin and beautiful wavy hair tied back in a rubber band. Over all an attractive girl and she looked around her and Sang's age so they most likely go to the same school. To bad she seemed to already see Marie as competition.

"I saw the help wanted sign so. Who do I have to talk to?"

"Sorry you're not what we're looking fo-"

"Kayli shut the fuck up. Stop sending away much needed help. Hello, I'm Janet, but call me Jinni. Come this way just ignore her everyone else dose even her boyfriend and his friends."

Alex nodded as she looked at Kayli once more.

'So that means both books are happening at the same time? Fuck, at this point I don't even think this is the same universe as the stories. Then again, I never read the actual series, so what do I know? '

Walking into the back with Jinni. She was hella pretty. She actually looked like a Kpop idol from her universe, Soojin. Between that and the way she put Kayli in her place, she defiantly is a candidate for her friend's group. Something she'll have to work on before school starts in two weeks. The last thing she needs is to be alone while the Sang train wrack starts to play out. Shaking her head slight as she got rid of the thoughts as they walked into a back office.

A good looking older man and a giant of a guy stood there. Clearly, they were talking about something before Jinni just walked in with her. Maybe she can teach the girls some manners. Since they looked taken aback and she was pretty sure one of them was the boss.

Marie was unaware of the way the two were looking at her. Uncle could see someone who clearly needed help, a child who's growing up too fast. While North saw a pretty little thing that he wanted to protect understanding the look in her eyes way too much and it honestly hurt to think about. What the red head could have or be going through.

Jinni cleared her throat getting everones's's attention smirking as she saw the way North looked at the new girl.

"She came in about the weekend job, boss. Hey North, didn't know you were working today."

Marie looked up at that name after staring at Jinni. Luckily for her, they were standing next to each other, and it looked more like she was taken in her new boss with the nervous look on her face. Not like she was slightly freaking out over the fact that another one of the guys had shown up in front of her so soon.

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