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~Time skip~

This shit sucked. It was only thing that Marie could keep thinking about over and over again. School had finally started the last two weeks of Summer over during that time she's done nothing but work and occasionally go out to the field to shoot around with Raven and North.

She still hasn't really interacted with any of the other boys yet though from the way that some of them look at her she doesn't exactly want to. Besides Gabriel who seemed to periodically sneak into her bedroom to check in on her every other night and Corey who Raven managed to sneakily introduce her to while she was working and  couldn't run away.

The others seem to have been perfectly wrapped around her sister's finger or at least most of them have been. Sean and Owen seem to be indifferent towards her sister and neither one of them seem to make any progress in trying to get to know Sang or herself really. Uncle has been the absolute best allowing her to not have to work on days when he knows that his nephew and their entire squad was going to be there alongside having officially fired bratty.

Jinni of course made sure to record the whole process of her getting fired. It was hilarious and well deserved. After she had made the 7th customer cry that day this time being a literal 8-year-old uncle could not take it and he fired her on the spot. Of course she went and cried wolf to her boyfriend's? Honestly she wasn't exactly sure how to label their relationship dealing that Raven and Corey were very adamant about the fact that they really really hate her guts but deal with her for their brothers sake.

Yet somehow they all ended up at the shop that day besides Brandon who seemed pretty cool and didn't seem to dislike her or surprised about their girlfriend getting fired. The other ones came off a bit more cool and indifferent it also kind of felt like they low-key blamed her for their girlfriend being fired as if she had anything to do with it. Then again she had decided that she's going to try to stay away from the rest of the guys as much as possible.

It was too late when it came to the other boys and Marie was well aware of that. she had already grown way too attached to raven, north, quarry and Gabriel to even think about trying to ditch them at this point. But she was also well aware and open to the fact that there will probably be a time when her role as the villain will start regardless of how hard she tries to prolong her origin story.

As she was thinking about all the things that have happened how her life has completely turned upside down from dying in one life as Alex to waking up in another as Marie and all of the crazy things that has happened in between over the course of 14 days. She was unaware of the fact that her so-called villain origin story was already starting to play out.

Three days. It has only been 3 days since school has started and yet somehow Marie has found herself in an auditorium after school with four girls in front of her and her cowering half sister behind her.

Now one might be asking what the hell is going on and how did it get here? And honestly this was the exact same question that was going through her hat at the time along with probably Jinni's who is standing right next to her. Currently they were trying to shield Sang away from the four girls in front of them. Apparently they were the schools version of the plastics a very Walmart ask version of them but still.

Veronica who was the second in command a stereotypical pretty white girl tall than blonde hair blue eyes the face of a Barbie doll but the attitude of trash actually no that would be insulting to trash. Then there was Millie and Tilly twins whose names most likely weren't that but it's what everyone called them. They're clearly weren't identical dealing that one had black hair the other had Brown one had blue eyes the other had Brown. One was slightly tanner than the other and their height difference was quite interesting especially dealing that they like to dress as if they were identical it was kind of off-putting. Then of course there was the queen bee herself Lakeisha she was the definition of stupidly gorgeous. Standing at 5:00 11:00 curves that would make even a swimsuit model jealous beautiful copper skin tone gorgeous dark brown eyes a pretty angular face sharp cheekbone that would make even Timothy Charlemagne cry. Honestly she kind of looked like Zendaya from her world slightly darker in all of her features from her skin tone to her eye color to her black as midnight hair definitely could pull off being a model or an actress too bad she seemed to have somehow caught herself in the web of the academy boys.

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