Chapter Seven

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  "Dinner's almost ready" Anna sings from the door.

  Rising to my feet, "well, I should get out of your hair then." Thomas pushes me back into my seat.

 He lowers his voice to a whisper, "you're gonna want to stay" he flashes a cheeky grin then disappears through the door. My heart is in my throat, no way would Abigail still be here, but she is.

  Walking toward me with her hands filled with cutlery and plates, she drops them on the table our eyes locked the whole way. Moving behind my back, Abigail's fingers brush my shoulders setting them alight as she slides into the chair next to me.

 "I'm just wondering; do you always kiss your friends like that" my face so close our noses almost touch. she lets out a long breath as a sexy smile spreads across her face.

"Only the beautiful ones" she purrs and I am certain my heart just exploded.

"Fucking hell Ab... Catherine you are driving me insane" our mouths are drifting closer as our breaths mingle together.

"Call me Abigail" her fingers land on my knee "please" electric sparks flying between us. Abi tilts her head our lips a hair breadth apart.

 "I don't think they are gonna make it through dinner babe." Thomas and Anna's laughter echoes around us as I attempt to hide the lust from my face and turn to them.

  Dinner is smooth sailing and our conversation is pleasant I know that I'm not pulling my weight constantly getting distracted by Abigail's movements next to me, the way she laughs, the brush of her arm on mine, that smile when she catches me looking, everything about her is utterly fascinating and terrifying. I'm painfully aware how easily these things can get taken from you.

  Anna invites us in to watch a movie I didn't catch the name of  but knowing Anna its probably some horror monstrosity  that will have us all checking under our beds for the next week. I expect this to be where Abigail makes her escape but she doesn't so I don't either.

  I wake gasping for air still choking on the water rushing into my lungs. Finally calming down enough to realise that I'm still in Anna's living room. It's dark and the rain is rattling against the window. I try again to fill my lungs again, but they are heavy that's when I glance down to find Abi curled up beside me head on my shoulder. We must have fallen asleep and they just left us here.

  My neck aches and my head feels too heavy for my body so I slowly slide us down into a flat position. The sofa is small so my legs hang over the edge but at least my neck now has some support. I slip my arms around her waist holding her back to my chest breathing in the honey scent from her hair. I stare at the ceiling absorbing as much of her warmth I can. My whole body buzzing to life for the first time in years.

  I listen to the rain and hold her in my arms for hours, a small moan leaves her lips dragging my attention back to her, when another leaves soon after I know that it's not a good sign. Gently rubbing my thumb across her stomach I whisper "Abigail, are you alright?"

  Her arm swings up elbow colliding with the side of my face, I instantly release her as she scrambles across the floor to get away from me. I truly am awful. I should never have held her more than she was comfortable with. Pain ripples in my chest and it's a struggle to keep it contained.

   Abi's face holds that same look that haunts my nightmares every night.

 Swallowing hard against the taste of blood my anxiety spikes. "I am so sorry. I only woke up a few hours ago. I should have woken you up, but you looked so peaceful. I just hugged you I promise. I would never hurt you...Never." I'm whispering by the end, begging that she believes me. 

  Choking down more blood before continuing "I'm sorry. I will go now, you don't have to fear me... I am so sorry" meeting her eyes, guilt clawing at my rib cage, she starts slowly moving toward me tears streaming down her face. I need to look away knowing I caused this is too much to handle.

  I have no idea what she plans to do with me but I will accept whatever punishment she deems I deserve. My body stills when she stops on front of me, I brace myself for the blow but it never comes, instead I feel her lightly touch my cheek. My head instinctively leans into her touch.

"I'm sorry" she mumbles in between sobs.

"We can talk about it, if you want" but she just shakes her head. I move out from her hands and lay back on the sofa attempting to take in a reasonable amount of oxygen. The right side of my face now pulsating slightly.

   Abi remains frozen above me so I ask,  "do you want a hug?" Our eyes finally meet, she nods before swiftly climbing onto the sofa with me wrapping her arms tightly round my back and burying her face into my chest. I slowly place my arm on her waist and when she doesn't flinch away from me, I pull her in closer squeezing Abigail into me.

  My heart crumbles with how quickly my top dampens with her tears. I just wrap my other arm around her and try to hold us both together.

  It takes Abi a while to stop sobbing and when she moves in my arms, I immediately release my grip on her but she just shuffles further up my chest placing her head on my shoulder still not looking at me. "I'm sorry for messing up your face again. I just had a bad dream and freaked out it had nothing to do with you... You did nothing wrong." She hesitates and adds "I wanted to do a lot more than this with you last night"

  I lay there like a dummy as her words seep into me. I want to push her for more information on the dream but we all have our secrets.

  Suddenly my head snaps down just understanding that she admitted to wanting me last night. A nervous laugh escapes me. "You have one hell of a swing, remember me to never piss you off" she giggles "it will heal. Don't worry." I give her a squeeze and my hands lightly brush the top of her butt, she lets out a quick breath on to my chest and fire floods my veins. "I almost committed a murder yesterday when we were interrupted... twice." I lift my hand to her jaw and tip her face up to meet mine.

  Her eyes are bloodshot and her skin is still red and blotchy, but I have never wanted anyone more in my life. "Can I kiss you" Abi doesn't respond instead she slides herself onto one elbow resting it across my body, mouth hovering above mine. She licks her lips and I cling to the leather below me.

  Lips lightly brush mine then she pulls away readjusting so both of her hands are pinning my arms to my side. Thank God I'm not sure how much longer I could have kept my hands to myself. She slides a pale leg over my waist straddling me and an animalistic growl build in my stomach. Abi smiles down at me fully aware of the torture she is doling out. She leans down again squeezing my waist as she moves.

   I need to touch her. Run my hands through those wild curls. Kiss her neck, arms anywhere she'd let me. my heart is hammering furiously and everywhere her skin meets mine is set ablaze. We stare wildly at each other then her lips are on mine smooth and full.

  Abigail lifts a hand releasing one of my arms. It immediately flies into her hair grabbing a fist full of that soft, thick hair that I have been so eager to wrap my hand around and dragging her back to me. I pull her bottom lip between mine lightly sucking while I draw my teeth behind as we slide apart. I lean in again and place my lips over hers and when she parts them allowing me access to her mouth, we both lose it. Her hands roam my body and hair I run my now free hand from her thigh over her perky soft ass -giving it a squeeze as I go- and up her back while my other cups her breast rolling my thumb slowly in tight circles across the center.

  We are both hungry I can feel it in her touch and when she grabs my hair pulling back until my neck is exposed, I can see it in her face. The mask is gone, this is a glimpse into who she truly is.

  Lips meet my jaw sucking slightly before I feel the tip of her tongue slide down to my collar bone where she kisses again this time biting roughly, "Fuck" I gasp as she rises to meet my face. laughing into my mouth before covering it again with her lips our tongues find each other and we melt together as I wrap my hands around her thighs moving her closer to me, desperately needing to feel more of her. 

  I feel feral, starved I need this more than life. I want more. I want everything. I want her.

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