Chapter Twenty- Seven

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   Jerking awake, it's difficult to quite shake off the waves crashing in my ears. Wanting the comfort of the woman I love sends my needy hands reaching across the bed, finding it empty again. I groan and open my eyes, having to squint at the blaring sunlight.

   The doors to the balcony are open and Abigail is sitting in a chair reading a book. She is wearing little white shorts and a red bikini top and my palms itch to remove them. How she always looks so perfect will forever baffle me.

  Abigail turns her head, catching me staring she flashes me one of her seductive smiles at me before sauntering back into the room, climbing on to the bed next to me. I cocoon her in a hug, Abigail's presence in my arms helps ease the nightmare out of my consciousness, absently I rub my fingers over her exposed back. "I was going to wake you up in half an hour Anna asked me if I want to go to the beach today? Should we go?" Excitement fills her voice.

  Hell no, is my instant response swallowing hard, my anxiety begins climbing, maybe I could just look about the shops and let everyone else enjoy the beach. I already know that I will feel so much worse than this leaving Abi alone when Victor is still not behind bars or in the ground. 

  It will be fine, probably some flashbacks, nothing that I can't deal with, for her I would deal with anything.

  "Yeah, that would be nice" forcing enthusiasm into my voice. I can do this. I will get past this once and for all.

  Naturally we are ready before Anna and while Abigail goes to the kitchen to retrieve some water bottles, I pace back and forth at the front door in an effort to prevent my foot from relentlessly tapping a hole into the expensive looking tiles.

  A black Range Rover is parked outside and the sun is melting hot, I had heard that California is pretty much in a constant summer by English standards, but this is ridiculous. I'm only wearing a thin top and shorts but my even my ass is sweating. 

  The sound of footsteps approach from the left, glancing up to see Anna and Thomas gliding toward me. "What was the point on setting a time if you are going to be late?" I snap completely aware that its not that big of a deal but unable to control my anxiety ridden mouth. 

  Now my pacing has stopped my foot starts hammering on the ground so I turn for the door just as Abigail enters the room. "We are only a little late... wait you are coming to the beach?" she asks with worry in her voice.

   Swinging open the back door and mumble a "yeah obviously" before climbing inside. Anna and Abi join me in the seats and Thomas jumps in the passenger's is next to a giant dude in a black suit that must work for his father as they familiarly chat with each other. My foot starts rattling again and I push my hand into my knee trying to suppress it.

  I understand Anna's worry though three years ago we got a particularly warm summer so Anna, Thomas and I went down to Brighton for the weekend. Stupidly thought that I would be able to cope two years after losing mum.

   Only getting as far as the car park before grief bound itself around me and sharp thorns of guilt sliced into my soul. I about turned and walked into town, I was a complete panicking mess by the time I stoated into the first pub. After using their toilet to patch over my fresh wounds of misery, I proceeded to order enough whiskey to drown a small child.

   Anna and Thomas had to collect me dead ass drunk from a bar a few hours later. Thankfully the trip wasn't a complete failure, that was the first time I realised that large volumes of alcohol temporally silenced my nightmares.

  I'm destroying my thumb nail and glaring out of the window. Shit I am not dealing with this well, swallowing down my anxiety I link my hand with Abigail's, she squeezes it and I try to focus on smoothing out my features. 

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