Chapter Thirty- Six

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"I love you, Abigail" Alex's soft words echo in my ears and the usual fuzziness that always accompanies his presence fills my soul.

  I reach out to touch him, it's so rare for us to sleep apart since he constantly tells me how warm he finds me, but I'm sure he is just a snuggler in denial, not that I mind obviously since my favourite blanket is to be wrapped in his arms.

  My hands move out but they are stuck or more like bound. My eyes shoot open and I freeze at the sight of my duct taped wrists as images start rapidly flooding back to me.

  Victor grabbed me on my way back from the bank, I hardly had time to register that it was him before the world started going hazy. I tried to fight him with everything in my failing body but it only led to the darkness consuming me instantly.

  I move my head and an intense throbbing pulses through my skull I resist the urge to groan not wanting to alert my personal demon that I'm awake, but when my eyes drift to the rear-view mirror those fucking pitch black eyes are laser focused on me.

"Glad you are awake sleeping beauty was worried that you would miss the main event" Victor's smarmy voice makes me wonder how I ever allowed this dickhead near me in the first place.

After spending a few months with Alex who treats me like a precious jewel I am incredibly aware of my self worth something this cretin never realised.

Things that I thought were just part of a relationship Alex has proved false he has rewired my brain brutally showing how truly horrifying everything this man put me through was.

Just reaffirming what my parents have said for years, he is a monster and this time I will defeat him.

"What the fuck are you rambling about now Victor?" I growl seething rage in every word.

Victor seems momentarily shocked by my insolence, not used to me talking back to him. Victor might still haunt my nightmares but I'm not the scared shell of a girl he left behind.

Recovering he sneers, "your useless boytoy obviously" he raises my phone waving it in front of me before dropping it on the empty passenger's seat. My brain is shattering as I realise that he is using me as bait.

"If he is too brain dead to notice that you are missing, I guess I'll have to invite him to the party" he shoots me his most sadistic smile that sours my stomach.

"Leave Alex alone he isn't a part of this... this is between you and me so just fucking kill me and get it over with." I'm aware that the fury in my voice is pointless, his plans clearly extend beyond this car and Alex and I are just being dragged along for the ride.

"Ha! Pretty boys like Alex have never had to suffer, they have never had the struggle that us normal peasants have had. He doesn't know pain but today I will show him how it feels to be truly one of us." Victor is fucking demented, even more unhinged than before. Prison has only amplified his psychotic personality.

"You know absolutely nothing about Alex! So don't you fucking dare assume anything about him. Plus you fucking tried to kill him and destroyed all of his fucking belongings so if anyone deserves to want revenge it's him." I scream as loud as I can while slamming my bound feet into the driver's seat with as much force as I can muster.

Victor's head bounces forward before he roars "Stop!" I don't. Maybe if I can cause us to crash at this speed Alex will be spared from whatever this lunatic has planned for him. Victor turns to face me grabbing my knee and squeezing until I'm certain that I hear something pop.

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