Chapter Thirty-Five

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The next morning, we are wandering slowly toward Abigail's work, gripping our coffees like it's our lifelines. I'm shattered but last night was one hundred percent worth it.

Way too soon for my liking we are outside her shop. It's almost impossible to let her go, she hasn't been out of my sight for weeks and nervousness still buzzes through me thinking that she will be away from me for four whole hours.

I'm well aware that Victor has been caught but still feel ill as we kiss at the door.

"Love you baby, I will be around just text me if you need me." I drop my lips to hers again, trying to will my hand to release hers.

"Love you too darling, see you soon" her lips meet my cheek before she skips into work. I stare after her in a euphoric daze.

Since I'm in need of a new wardrobe, I plan to hang around town until Abigail's shift is finished. Before even entering a single clothing store my legs have taken me to a jewellery store instead.

I peruse the rings, most of them are garish and absolutely not Abigail's style, none of them are really taking my fancy until my eyes land on a thin white gold band ring with a small teardrop emerald in the centre.

It's almost a dead match for her eyes so I instantly enquired about it. Thanks to Abi having tiny little fingers it's going to need to be specially made which will take twelve weeks, it is kind of a relief since I have no idea how I will ask her to marry me.

My head feels like it's floating as I leave the store, everything is perfectly slotting into place. I honestly can't believe life has the ability to be this wonderful and fulfilling.

I want to live. I want to build a life with Abigail, one that we can both thrive in together.

The vibration of my phone pulls me from my bubble of joy. I whip it out and swipe on Edwards name quite looking forward to an in-depth description of Victors fucked up face. "Hey Edward, how's York?" amusement fills my voice.

"Bad, Alexander, I have just gone to the police station and its's not Matthew well he isn't our Matthew anyway. Please tell me you are both still at the hotel Alexander." The panic in his voice is honestly terrifying and I'm almost certain that I'm about to throw up.

I attempt to take in any oxygen around my constricting throat "no... no we are not" is all I can say before I hang up and take off running straight to Abigail.

My attempts to thwart negative thoughts are failing epically. Abi will be fine, she is at work he won't be able to get to her in there, especially when everyone is well aware of the Victor situation.

Everything will be fine. She is safe. Reiterating this to myself doesn't slow my pace as I pound the pavement to her. Please be safe.

Pushing open the door I'm faced with my worst nightmare, Trisha is clutching a phone to her ear just as mine vibrates in my hand. She looks horrified staring at me with wide tear filled eyes.

I don't want to ask her where Abi is, I'm not sure I can take her answer, but Trisha doesn't give me an option as she rushes to me.

Please no I can't survive this.

"We sent her to the bank half an hour ago, she hasn't come back yet and won't answer her phone." Trisha is frantic, wildly staring at me as I grip into a rail to support my swaying body everything before me blurring out of focus.

Don't you dare pass out Abigail needs you.

Giving my head a hard shake and try to focus on only the most important tasks. I need to find Abi, maybe she is just in a really long que at the bank. whipping out my phone bringing up the find my phone app and what meets me crumbles my heart in my chest she is moving fast out of town.

I close my eyes taking in a deep breath and say as calmly as my erratic heart rate will allow "Trisha, I need you to phone the police, I'm going to follow Abigail. I will send you the address once she stops. Can you make sure they are fully aware of how serious this situation is please."

I don't even wait for her response before I bolt out of the door racing straight to my car.

Encounters With AbigailHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin