Chapter Twenty- Six

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When I come to, I stretch out for Abigail's warmth but the bed is empty, opening my eyes I gasp at the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen.

Orange and reds paint the sky before me, bathing the room in a soft fire of light. The colours are so vibrant I'm certain that I have only seen them in paintings. Gliding toward the windows in a trance hoping to get a better view when I notice that it is in fact a sliding door.

Opening it and stepping onto the glass balcony that runs the length of the room, the sea is directly below me lightly crashing, anxiety floods my chest and I stumble back into the room slamming the door behind me.

Abigail had text letting me know that they were eating next to the pool, I quickly shower trying to make myself look presentable but I can literally see Victor's finger marks in my neck. Thank fuck Abigail was in that car, who knows what he would have done to her.

Red hot rage unfurls inside me knowing he is a free man, knowing that a violent monster like that only got three years for almost murdering Abigail. He deserves a hideous fate and it would give me great pleasure to be the one to dole it out to him.

I get lost more than once trying to find the pool this house is fucking huge, thankfully when I ask a tall intimidating dude standing at the bottom of the stairs, he offers to take me there. Dark wood seems to be a favourite of the Ritchie's it panels the long dining room with a table big enough to hold at least twenty people.

He stops at a set of large glass doors with intricate gold flowers etched into the border, opening them he motions me forward with his head, I move into the humid poolside, everyone is making so much noise that it's easy to just follow that until they come into view.

Edward is only a few steps from me -how long was I out- he beams a lopsided grin pulling me into a hug. "How are you, my boy?" he is drunk it's impossible for me not to smile.

"Yeah, much better now I have been able to sleep for a bit"

"Good... you are looking much healthier" he taps my arms lightly then lowers his voice to a whisper "what is it that Charles does for a living again? this house is marvelous."

"I'm sure his dad was high up in some security company" I whisper back.

Edward laughs "think we are in the wrong job" he taps my arm again stumbling off in the direction I just came from and who I assume to be Abigail's parents comes into view from here, it is mildly terrifying, give me Victor any day over the dreaded parental meeting.

I steel myself moving toward the table aiming straight for them but something out of the corner of my eye catches my attention, Abigail is running toward me. With the most incredible joy filling her face as she jumps into my arms, gripping her tight as she drops her lips to mine.

Turning us so my back is to her parents before allowing my hands slide down to her ass and my tongue into her mouth. I can taste the Jack Daniels on her tongue when she moans into my lips and it takes everything in me to not walk us back to our room, instead I ease her back to the ground and she releases my face. "Hello to you too" I whisper and Abi glows with happiness.

Wrapping our hands together I turn to face the parents "Hello Mr and Mrs Wilson. I am Alex, Nice to meet you." I extend my hand to David he is taller than me and broader with a intimidating stature, a large grey beard covers most of his lower face, He is also the recipient of the green eyes I adore so much.

His handshake is tight and if he wasn't smiling at me, I would be convinced this was intentionally meant to hurt. Once he drops my hand, I need to resist the urge to shake it out. I move to Mary, Abigail has her slim nose and wide smile but she is tiny no more than five feet with long black hair pulled into a high ponytail, she ignores my hand opting to pull me into a hug instead.

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