Chapter Thirty- Three

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   We spend the first few days in bed or lazing around the living room, Abi is catching up on all the T.V she missed while we were away and I'm either dozing or asleep for most of it but by the third day I legitimately am going stir crazy.

  "Is it breaking the rules if I go downstairs to the gym?" I have been pacing back and forth in the kitchen for the past half an hour while she prepares dinner and I'm pissing myself off so I can only imagine how much she wants to throttle me.

"Yes, please do. You have way too much energy" Abi turns with a wine glass in hand, grinning beautifully "just don't expect me to join you." Sprinting across the kitchen, kissing her on the lips before heading to our room. Faintly hearing "dinner is in an hour; don't you dare be late."

  This gym is much better equipped than the 24 hour one I usually frequent but since my salary would cover our current room for about a day you would expect the best. 

  It's an unusual feeling for me to have any energy; I normally am running on low battery just trying to bottom out my exhaustion until I crash but thankfully the enormous volume of reality shows Abi watches has been sending me straight to sleep.

  I've without a doubt slept more combined hours in the past three days than the last month and it's crazy how utterly alive I feel. Everything is so clear and focused I'm not sure how I ever lived any other way.

  True to my word, I am leaving the gym forty minutes later when my phone starts vibrating in my pocket, digging it out fully expecting to see Abigail's name but Edward's is there instead. 

  Alarms ring in my head. Not sure if I can deal with any more bad news right now. Tapping the phone to my head considering not answering it before relenting. "Hi Edward, everything alright?" I keep my voice level even all though the memories of the last time he called me are flashing through my head, building anxiety in my chest.

 "Alexander, we finally have some good news. I just got off the phone with an officer dealing with our case and he said that Matthew has been caught just outside York, they have him in custody now" the joy in his voice is contagious.

 I let out a huge breath relief washing over me, "thank fuck" I murmur.

"Yes, I'm quite pleased myself but they want me to go up to identify him so I will go see my brother whilst up that way since the office still isn't ready," his jolly tone is as comforting as always.

 "That is fantastic Edward. Keep in touch, I want to know how fucked up his nose is" It's impossible to hide my amusement.

 He chuckles "Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing that as well, take care son."

"Will do. Love you." The elevator doors open and I stroll into the hall heading toward the amazing smelling food.

 Abigail is in the living room on the phone tension in her voice "I'm so sorry again Trisha, I promise as soon as he is found I will be straight back to work." As I approach the sound of another voice is faintly coming through the line. "Thank you sorry again." Abi drops her phone on the couch and turns to face me. "AAHH! Alex, are you trying to give me a heart attack."

  She shoves my shoulder but I just pick her up, spinning us around "You can phone Trisha and tell her you will be back to work tomorrow."

Her eyes widen as a radiant smile fills her face, "no fucking way!" it's practically a screech. She cups my face dropping a long kiss on me.

 "Yeah baby, the police finally caught him" I spin us again gaining a magical giggle from her, "Edward is going to deal with it all so we are free." She kisses me softly giving my shoulders a tight squeeze.

 "Are we celebrating something?" Anna's cheerful tone rings out from behind us.

  I turn around to face them still keeping Abi raised above me. "Yeah, looks like the police finally made themselves useful" I'm so fucking buzzing that I can't keep it out of my voice.

 "Great just in time for aunt Mabel's wedding" Thomas grins at me and I have to resist the urge to groan I completely forgot that was coming up, his great Aunt Mabel insists on kissing you every time you meet her and tends to be quite touchy with me even in front of her husbands.

 When the invite was placed into my hands a few months back, I instantly refused it, she wouldn't miss me at her second wedding in four years.

 "Aw Thomas, I don't think" he ignores me continuing.

"I will get Erin to send us over some clothes" Both Anna and Thomas look so excited I decide to not shit on their parade and just smile, if memory serves me right it was just a night invite anyway. 

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