Chapter Twenty- Five

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Once we pull up in front of the small white jet, dread begins to engulf me, to try and waste time I grab my case out of the boot. Instantly regretting not wearing a scarf.

I slam it shut and a guy in a suit removes my case from me, throwing me for a second I'm aware we are about to get on a private jet, but I sometimes forget just how rich Thomas' family is. Movement catches my eye, I anxiously turn as the door open and steps descend, before they are even finished moving Anna is already bounding down them toward me.

Shit, this is going to be bad.

"An.." she slams full force into my chest clinging to me crying so hard my heart aches, I run my hand through her hair in a calming motion that has worked on her since she was a kid. Doesn't seem to be doing any good today though.

My eyes find Abigail slowly walking toward us mouth covered with her hands, tears streaming down her face. She must have seen my neck. "I'm fine" I mouth knowing my voice will give me away.

Waving my arm beckoning Abi to me, her head hits my shoulder with a thud as I attempt to calm them both down without having to talk. This is hopeless but the second that I speak it's just going to make this so much worse. Thankfully Thomas saves the day again.

"If we don't leave soon Edward will be arriving to join us." Thomas pries Anna away from me turning her so she doesn't see what Abigail already has. I try to shuffle us to the jet but she is glued to the floor, so I give up deciding to just lift her instead.

It's a stupid choice since my legs shake the entire way up the few steps to get into the plane. Thankfully, the first two chairs are free, I place Abi into one of the huge brown leather seats taking the one next to her.

Absolute exhaustion instantly consumes every fibre of my being and no one could convince me that this isn't the comfiest chair in existence. Anna and Thomas are bickering over the other side of the jet and I let relief wash over me knowing we are all safely getting the fuck away from Victor.

The second that the plane levels out I move Abigail on to my lap -she has been gripping onto my leather jacket like I might turn to dust if she lets go- wrapping myself in her warmth my eyelids get heavy almost immediately.

"Alex...Alex wake up darling" My eyes fly open. I drag in air sharply, my fucked-up throat not helping me shake the nightmare. Blinking hard it takes me a minute to remember where I am as Abigail comes into focus her gorgeous emerald eyes hovering in front of me. "Are you ok?"

I nod "yeah I'm fine," it feels like swallowing glass and it takes real effort to not wince at the pain but tears are already in her eyes "please don't cry" I plead.

"What was the nightmare about?"

"You know the usual, drowning and failing to save my mum" I say flatly but her eyes are on my bruises.

"Was it him" her eyes are unblinking staring off to the side, gone to the past again.

I sigh "yes," Abi crumples into my shoulder, quietly sobbing.

Clinging to her I fight my eyelids, my body is so fucking exhausted it feels like I could sleep for a month.

Suddenly I become aware that we are rolling, peering across the aisle, it's dark outside but we are definitely on flat ground. Thomas stretches and yawns loudly Anna curled up beside him, they really do make a perfect couple, with the kind of love that rivals the movies.

When we stop, I give Abigail a little squeeze "Are you alright to walk?" I'm so drained there's not a chance in hell I will be able to carry her if she can't. Thankfully, she climbs off me, extending a hand backwards, ignoring it opting instead to sling my arm round her shoulders, her hand rests lightly on my hip.

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