Chapter Thirty- Seven

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  After sending Trisha a screenshot of my location I spend the next few minutes scavenging my car for anything that can be used as a weapon naturally I have nothing. 

  Cursing my own tidiness, slipping my keys between my fingers is probably my only hope for defense so I dump them into my pocket and jump out of the car.

The huge ugly grey building that sits in front of me is half built, wooden boards cover what I assume is window holes, only one door is unbarricaded.

   While I gingerly make my way to it, I can't help but commend Victor on his choice of torture location it's the only building for miles and far enough away from the motorway that no one would hear you scream. 

  The door is heavy wood and there's no possible way of opening this stealthily. Not that it will matter I am under no illusion that Victor won't be right on the other side waiting for me. Steadying my breathing, I slowly open the door. 

  Victor obviously doesn't learn from past mistakes as he instantly swings for my head, I dodge out of the way and he whacks the door with a metallic clang. He pulls back again, as my eyes focus on the fucking crowbar in his hands.

   I dodge again but repeating previous mistakes he leaves his right side open so I slam my fist into his cheek. Victor stumbles backwards and I don't even give him a chance to recover before my fist finds his nose bursting it. Blood flows off his chin and rage literally shakes my hands.

  Using my shoulder, I ram him into a pillar in the middle of the room. He raises his arm to swing at me, I firmly grab his wrist slamming it into the concrete over and over until his bloodied hand releases the crowbar.

   I kick it away from us and it skids across the room to where Abigail sits, she scrambles forward to grab it. I had reluctantly kept myself from searching for her knowing that the distraction could cost me what I now know would have been a crowbar to the head.

   Abi looks distraught dark black mascara tracks down her face, curls dishevelled and sticking out wildly but it's when I take in her face that the rage I thought had peaked erupts like a volcano. Blood coats her chin and a large bloody gash a couple of inches long at her temple is what tips me over the edge.

  I turn my attention back to Victor with murder on my mind, but I have given him too long to recover and his fist connects with my ribs with a sickening crunch that I'm certain everyone in the room hears. 

  Thankfully adrenaline is pumping furiously so I don't feel much but I do have to pull back from him to block any further attacks.

  He smirks at me before pulling out a knife. What the actual fuck. I manage to avoid the first slash but the second one catches my shoulder; the knife is so sharp I don't even register that I've been sliced until the blood runs off my fingers.

  Victor lunges at me again and the knife just barely misses my face but in twisting I feel the squelch of bone digging into something soft. Shit this is really bad I need to end this quick.

  Deciding to sacrifice the palm of my hand I wrestle the blade from his grip each awkward movement causing more damage to what I can only suspect is a punctured lung. When the knife hits the ground, I kick it to straight toward Abigail on the other side of the room.

  Victor furiously attempts to get his hands around my neck again so I make the reckless move of pulling my head back before slamming it into his with as much force as my pain ravaged body can manage.

  We break apart the whole room flips before my eyes as I stumble backwards before my knees completely give out.

  My vision blurs around the edges as the adrenaline starts to wear off each breath aches as bone scrapes flesh. Victor slinks toward me flashing a bloody smirk.

   He has kept his focus on me the entire fight paying no attention to the direction I kept kicking his weapons, but he is about to find out right now as Abigail looking like a vicious warrior sneaks behind him.

  I'm not sure if Victor just assumed she wouldn't try to fight back but he is going to be sorely mistaken.

  Abi pulls back on the crowbar before striking right on the top of his skull with a loud crack. His shock would make me laugh if I wasn't frantically trying to swallow the thick blood that continues to fill my mouth at an alarming rate. 

  She doesn't even give him time to turn before slamming the same location. Victor turns to her and gets a face full of metal knocking him to his knees, another two swings and he is flat on his back.

  I cough covering my hand in blood, fuck I might die here.

  No Trisha will have sent the police to us, they can't be far now.

  Hold on Alex, hold on.

  Another cough and the stabbing pain of my rib becomes overpowering blood drips from my mouth as I lose the ability to swallow.

   Even shallow breaths cause excruciating pain to roar through me. My hands feel cold, and the chill is spreading. I really am dying.

 I can hardly lift my head; everything is so heavy. From what my hazy vision can pick up most of Victor's face is splattered across the floor, but Abi doesn't stop she is crying and screaming, the cathartic relief of finally having revenge over the man that has hunted her for years on full show.

 "Abi" is all I choke out as my body gives out and the ground speeds toward my face. She catches me before I can make impact. The sudden movement causes a gargled scream to leave my lips.

 "Oh god Alex where are you hurt" she is sobbing lifting my face level with hers. I don't know if it's because I'm close to passing out but even blood streaked Abigail looks like a goddess.

There is a good chance that I can live through this but in case I don't I need to tell Abigail this.

   "Promise me you won't... you won't... let this make you hide your love are incredible... I love you... you saved me." With that the lack of oxygen catches up with me and I tumble into the dark.

  "No! Alex! please don't leave me! I love you, please don't leave me" 

Encounters With AbigailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora