Chapter Thirty- Nine

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The next time my eyes open, I'm met with fuzzy florescent lights the edges soft unfocused, and I can only assume it is the result of the medication is being pumped through my veins.

Whatever they are giving me isn't remotely strong enough everything mildly aches, my throat is raw even breathing feels like claws scraping the length of my chest. An involuntary groan escapes me and I move my head toward the warmth holding my left hand.

Abigail is asleep, both hands tightly wrapped around mine, the nasty gash on her head is covered by thick butterfly stitches and aside from a bruised eye and split lip she seems fine.

My gorgeous little warrior is still by my side. I give her hand a feeble squeeze and she awkwardly springs to her feet, eyes bulging.

They instantly fill with tears that spill down her face, Abi moves forward, and I brace myself for the inevitable pain that her hug is about to give me. As if remembering this herself she slams her hands either side of my head and simply drops a light kiss on my forehead.

"It's fine baby, just avoid this whole area" I weakly gesture to the right side of me that aches with even the shallowest breaths. That's all the permission Abi needs dropping to my left shoulder wailing and gripping fistfuls of my hospital gown. I rub her back attempting to soothe her.

My eyes land on the dreaded right side of my body, a thick bandage covers my palm of my hand up to my wrist, relief floods me when I manage to move each one of my fingers, regardless of the pain the radiates from them. More bandages peak out from the sleeve my gown and thanks to my exploration with my fingers I know it mustn't have hit anything serious.

It's obviously my ribs a lung that are the problem here, a tube leaves from my chest which sends a flutter of panic through me but since I am breathing without an oxygen mask it must not be anything too serious.

Even with Abi on the opposite side with only her head on my shoulder white hot fire accompanies each breath, but I have no intention of telling her to move.

We keep coming entirely too close to death for me to take a single second with her for granted.

Lightly pushing my lips to her temple, she continues crying hard, the shaking of her body sending waves of pain exploding through me. "I'm OK Abi, you don't need to cry" my voice is rough, and it takes a great effort to keep the pain out of my face.

Mercifully, Abi lifts her head from me, using the sleeve of her top to rub away the snot from her face. I lift my hand to wipe her tears even although they show no sign of stopping.

"Alex, you said mum when we were in the ambulance. I was certain you were a goner..." she holds my hand that is still caressing her cheek, pressing it hard into her before she continues.

"I have never been so terrified in my life, it would be just my luck to finally find love just to have it instantly ripped from my grasp." The pain in her voice hurts me more than any injury in my body.

"I'm not going anywhere Abigail. Your stuck with me for the long run." A smile lifts to her face as she lets out a short laugh, but the unease still sits heavy on me and it's not going to leave until I know the answer to one question. "Is he..."

"Yeah, he is dead, I don't think they even tried to save him, not that I gave them much of a chance. if it was between you and him, they were treating you."

Her sobs are brutal, Abigail might be a warrior but this has freshly traumatised her all over again. At least we are both planning to go back to therapy so that should help us through this later on but for now I slip my hand to the back of her neck pulling her to my shoulder once again.

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