Chapter Thirty- Four

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The next morning two rails of clothes is delivered to our suite. Anna takes a rail and drags Abigail off to our room leaving Thomas and I to look through the suits. The second my eyes land on the navy checked one, I instantly take it smiling to myself.

I flick over the price tag and choke on my own saliva "fucking hell Thomas, I can't afford this"

"Don't worry about it. Just think of it as a gift for letting Mabel flirt with you all these years." I scowl at him but he just howls with laughter.

Thomas decides on a slate grey suit and while I'm helping him with his finicky platinum cuff links, I decide to ask a question that has been bugging me for a while now. "So, any reason you haven't asked my sister to marry you yet?"

I keep my voice light but he has been in love with Anna long before she realised that she was in love with him, so it seems completely illogical that he wouldn't have asked her yet.

"Well, I did have a plan. We were meant to be in Rome but ended up in Santa Monica instead"

Guilt hits me like a train. I ruined his big proposal trip. That explains why everything was just in London waiting for us. "Shit, Thomas I am so sorry." Running my hand through my hair feeling hideously awful.

"Don't worry about it, getting Anna away from that psycho Victor was way more important. I know she will say yes regardless of when I ask so, don't stress about it" His vivid blue eyes have always clearly shown his emotions and no animosity lingers there.

"Oh, very confident Thomas. Don't let Anna hear you or she will say no just to spite you." We both laugh knowing she would absolutely do that.

Thomas and I are naturally ready hours before the girls so we have a couple of beers while their laughter echos down the hallway.

"We're ready" Anna's voice sings from our room. We both jump to our feet and I readjust my tie nervously. Weddings are my least favourite social events, they are always so awkward. At least Abigail with be with me this time so I don't end up left alone, again.

The door clicks open and Anna steps out first blonde hair pulled away from her face in two thick pleats that meet at the back of her head, very light make up that emphasises her baby face. She is wearing a knee length floaty mint halter neck dress.

 Anna is adorable as always but once Abigail steps out behind her I can't stop the "holy shit" that leaves mouth making everyone around us laugh.

Abi's hair is pulled back on the left with a comb adorned with small crystal daisies that weave through her midnight hair, full curls laying softly across her chest. I take Abigail's hand and spin her under my arm to completely take in the gorgeous two piece she is wearing, the blush pink colour looks perfect against her freshly tanned skin.

A tight sleeveless lacy top that like looks it was specially made for her, with a silk skirt that hugs her fantastic ass, it skims her knees at the front but hits the floor at the back. Abigail is breath taking, as always.

My heart is hammering in my chest, I'm unable to quite believe that I am worthy of such beauty, she is glowing with joy before me. Leaning down I lightly kiss her glossed lips and the taste of cinnamon fills my mouth.

Allowing my lips to brush her cheek, before settling at her ear and whispering "I can't wait to get you out of this later" Abi lets out a shallow breath as my fingers graze along the small sliver of visible skin at her stomach.

Abigail wraps my tie in her fist tugging me down to speak into my ear, "wish you would take it off now" she says it so seductively I can't stop my hand when it slides under her skirt.

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