Chapter Twenty- Four

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    After over an hour of agitated pacing Abigail finally has a passport, now that we are pulling up to my apartment the anxiety in my chest begins to ease. 

   We took Thomas' land rover and I have never been happier to see him in the driver's seat. He will protect my sister with his life. 

  Opening the door I sense Abigail moving beside me."Where the fuck do you think you are going?" I ask

 "You are not going alone. What if he is up there." I sigh, pushing her back in the seat.

  "I'll ask the guy at security to join me if it makes you feel better," turning my attention to Thomas continuing "If anything remotely strange happens, I will text you to get them out of here." He nods and I ignore the protests of the women in the car climbing out "and lock the doors." I don't get more than two steps away before he does just that.

   Billy was happy to accompany me and while in the elevator I type out "get out now" to Thomas keeping it ready if anything happens. The girls will be so pissed off if they need to leave without me but that's why I'm glad Thomas is behind the wheel. His loyalty is to my sister not me.

    Pushing in my code I slowly open the door; it feels like I haven't been here in weeks. We enter and I don't know if mentally I just assumed the place would be trashed but everything looks the same as when I left. 

  Billy insists on checking the rest of the apartment, but I head straight to my bedroom retrieving my case from under the bed. I just drop it on top when a thump catches my attention from the spare room. I hit send on the text and edge toward the door.

  I steady my breathing and peak past the door frame, quickly dodging into the hallway I narrowly miss Matthew's fist, He turns diving at me again but stupidly leaves his right side open I swing my fist up connecting with his jaw, sending him stumbling back. Advancing once again giving him a matching one on his left and Matthew slams into the table in my hallway.

   Rage unlike I have ever felt before boils in my veins.

  Closing the gap, fully intending on beating the living shit out of him, Matthew whips up hurling a glass picture frame at me slicing my forearm as I bat it to the side. 

  This is all the distraction he needs as I'm too slow to react when he tackles me into the wall and before my brain has caught up, his hands are tightly squeezing my neck swiftly cutting off my oxygen supply. "Where is she!" he screams at me.

 "Fuck you" I gasp out attempting to pry his fingers from me but he just tightens his grip like a vice, black spots enter my vision while I claw and punch at his arms.

   I'm losing strength too fast as parts of my brain beg for fresh oxygen. I was under the impression that strangulation was meant to be a quick death. Regrets flood me I've never truly told Anna how grateful I am for her constant support and now I probably won't ever get the chance.

  My eyes are falling closed when I notice his legs are spread in order to lock me to the wall, it might be a low blow but I really can't afford to pass out now so I drive my knee into his dick with every ounce of energy I have left. Matthew releases me buckling over, coughing violently finally able to drag in air.

  I pull back again and smash my knee into his nose, his head whips back, blood flowing from his face as he hits the deck. Instantly falling into a coughing fit my throat raw and burning like I have just swallowed molten lava.

   Sirens ring out in the distance and relief flows through me. I turn from a gargling, whining Matthew to check on Billy as something heavy smashes into the back of my head knocking me to my knees while my skull feels like it has just been split apart.

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