Chapter Forty-One

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Mila POV:

"You have to let go, pea. We'll be back soon. You'll have fun with Teeta, Kai, and West. It's just for a couple of days." Mama says, patting my back while I cry on her shoulder.

She's leaving with Daddy today to go on their stupid trip. It isn't fair. I go with Mama everywhere. I don't wanna stay with stinky West. All he wants to do is give my brother yucky kisses.

"Mila? It's time to let go of Mama. I know it's hard, ladybug. We'll be back before you know it. You have your iPad and you can video chat us." Daddy rubs my back while he talks.

I'm not letting go of Mama's shirt. She's just gonna have to take me with her. If she goes, then my milky goes too and I need it to go night night.

"You're just gonna have to pull her off, Theo. I'll take care of her. You and Hazel both need this break. Plus, Mila needs to get used to being without her mama for a while. They can't be attached at the hip all day every day." Teeta chimes in.

I grunt at her while Daddy sighs and grabs me under my arms. He tugs hard enough that I have to let go of Mama's shirt. I'm handed over to Teeta who pulls me close to her chest while I scream and cry.

Mama looks like she's going to cry too. She leans over and gives me one last kiss on the cheek, then grabs her suitcase and walks to the car. Daddy gives me a kiss too and says, "Love you, ladybug."

"Nu! Miwa nu wub chu anymwore." I cry, pushing away from Teeta.

"Well, I love you and there's nothing you can do to change that. I'll see you in a couple days." Daddy walks off and I cry even harder.

Yucky snot is coming out of my nose and I try to suck it back up. Teeta makes me lay my head on her shoulder as she walks into her house.

"My sweet grandbaby. It's going to be okay. We're going to have lots of fun while you're here. It's been a while since you've been to Teeta's house. We're going to make cookies, play outside on your swing, and if you're really good, we'll go get ice cream."

I don't want that. I just want Mama and Dada. They're all gone and left me. Crying harder, I wipe my nose on Teeta's shirt and rub my eyes.

"Do you want a baba with Mama's milk in it? She brought us plenty that we should probably put in the fridge before it goes bad."

Kai grabs the cooler and drags it into the kitchen, putting all that's left of Mama in the fridge. Rubbing my eyes, I point to my cup.

"Alright, chunky butt. I'll warm you up some milky. Do you want to go to Grandpa for a little bit?"

I nod and she passes my over to Grampy. Snuggling into his big tummy, I yawn and smack my lips together.

"All that crying made you sleepy. Should I spank Mama and Daddy for leaving?" He asks.

"Yesth. Mama an' Dada get 'pankin on bewty." I agree, reaching up to run my fingers through his beard.

West sits down on the other couch and kicks off his shoes, putting them on the coffee table. He's gonna get yelled at for that. Teeta only let's me play on the table cause I'm her favorite.

"Boy, take your feet off that table. That's Mila's table, not yours." Grampy demands.

A little giggle comes out of me as I watch West's face turn red. "West 'pankin." I tell him.

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