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Moon could not believe how beautiful it was in Pantala! Now that the war was finally over, she could actually relax and enjoy Pantalas beauty. Moon beamed at Qibli, he smiled back thoughtfully "tomorrow we're going home" the sand wing said with a sigh.  Moon didn't need to be a mind reader to know what he was thinking "you sure you don't want to come back to jade mountain?" Moon asked with a hint of sadness in her voice. Qibli sat down on the sand and looked longingly at the ocean "I must serve Queen Thorn" he said sternly yet kindly

He said that every time she asked, Moon didn't know why she thought this time would be any different "I'm going to our hotel" she said as she stood up and stretched " I have to go pack" she lied.

She stared at her already packed leather pouch and wondered why she left Qibli. Maybe it was because she had nothing else to talk about, or maybe it was because she was sad he wasn't coming. Moon didn't really know herself.


It was time to go, and moon took one more look at the beautiful continent of pantala before stretching her wings and soaring to the sky. She flew next to Lynx whom she had grown very close with. The two dragonets talked the whole way to their next resting spot. It was a nice little island around maybe 110 miles away from pantala and boy was this island pretty, Moon wouldn't be surprised to find that the island was inhabited! Fortunately, it wasn't so they made a small fire and slept there.

 The storm came out of nowhere, the wind was blowing. Hard. And the rain fell down so quickly it hurt. The dragons rushed into a nearby cave to wait the storm out, and moon was shivering in a corner. Qibli walked over to her and sat down, Moon looked up at him and smiled. "So..." she said "are you going back to jade mountain?" She knew what his answer would be, it was his answer every time, but something must have happened because he just looked down at his talons 

Qibli shuffled closer to Moon and smiled

For once in the past month he looked up at her and said something different from "I must serve Queen Thorn" instead, he said


Moonbli after the warWhere stories live. Discover now