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Everything was back to normal. Qibli had recovered, Moon was still trying to process everything, and Webs was still boring. Parrot had enchanted the school to forget about the events and then left. 

One thing wasn't right though... Turtle was now an animus.

 Turtle, being... Turtle wasn't affected much by this recovery of powers. He wasn't really enchanting anything, and he was still his shy awkward self. 

But, everyone else was affected by this. 

Tsunami was constantly giving Turtle looks, as if at any moment he'll become a mini Albatross. 

The other DOD's were asking him to help with so  much stuff, Moonwatcher was sure it was overwhelming. But, Turtle never seemed overwhelmed.

 Moon noticed Kinkajou was deliberately avoiding him, and Moon caught herself doing the same. It was scary, Turtle having that much power so suddenly.

 Qibli started to avoid him too, and Turtle was so busy helping the DOD to notice. Moon felt bad, because when she revealed she had the ability to read minds and see the future, Turtle was there for her. 

Now, she should be there for him... right?

 One afternoon, Turtle went to the prey center for lunch. Kinkajou was sitting next to the river, eating a mango. 

Moon saw Turtle walk towards her as Moon walked in behind him. 

And sat down on a ledge. When Turtle got to Kinkajou, she perked up, shouted "Moon!" Then ran over to Moonwatcher. 

She started to talk to her and Turtle was left with a sad look on his face. 

A wave of guilt ran over Moon as she stared at Turtle, sitting alone were Kinkajou just was. 

"Kinkajou-" she sighed "lets go sit with Turtle". 

Kinkajou looked uncomfortable at this request, but she nodded. They flew down to the river, and Turtles face lit up.

 "Hey guys!" He smiled. Moon felt that guilt again as she said "sorry Turtle we didnt see you there!" 

Turtle nodded thoughtfully. Suddenly, Clay shouted at them 


 Moon ran to the side as the stalactite above them came shattering down. 

On the stalactite was a curious sandwing with a rose in his mouth "oh look!" He smirked, taking the rose out and reaching it out to Moon 

"I fell for you" he winked, kissed Moons cheek than said "will you go to the spring dance with me?".

 Moon was flabbergasted at the request. To her relief, a red scaled Kinkajou stepped in between them, growled, then snarled

 "she has a boyfriend... WEIRDO" 

Kinkajou grabbed the rose from this dragonet, crumbled it, then threw the broken petals in his surprised face.

 Kinkajou grabbed Moons arm and dragged her to the door.

 "Let's go Moon" she snarled coldly.


Qibli skipped over to the prey center as if a qibli was pushing him towards it 

Qibli: a hot wind XD

When Qibli got to the prey center though, a horrific sight laid before him. A stalactite was heading straight towards Moons skull! 

Qibli ran over to her to push her away from the danger, but she got out of the way right in time. 

Standing on top of the stalactite, was a sandwing. He gave Moon a rose kissed her cheek, then said something Qibli couldn't make out.

  Is Moon... cheating on me? He wondered, backtracking towards the door. 

The world seemed to be spinning out of control.

 Qibli ran over to his cave and jumped into his sand bed, 

he shakily held his head in place to stop the room from going every which way. 

Moonbli after the warTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang