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Qibli didn't meet her in the art cave

He was probably really sad

This is bad





Moon woke up with a jolt, looking around to see if the Qibli in her dream was real. She had a dream that she made up with Qibli. It went like this,

Moon woke up, she was going to say sorry. She ran to Qiblis cave right before he left for the sand kingdom "Qibli!" She shouted running towards him "I love you and I'm so sorry for not realising that you are just trying to repay Thorn for saving you!" Qibli had nodded and hugged her. But right as he was about to kiss her, she was pulled from the dream.

Moon ran to Qiblis cave, following her dream. When she got there, there was nobody.

Moon swore like eight times before running to class.




Qibli woke up and went to the main entrance to see Sunny.

"You ready?" Sunny asked kindly


"I know you're only staying for a day, but I know that Thorn is going to be VERY happy you're there."




"You good?"




"Wanna talk about it?"




"You ready?"


They took off into the dawns sky. 


Qibli liked that name for a dragonet. 


Maybe 😈😈😈

The flight to the sand kingdom was quiet.

Not an awkward silence though.

A nice one.

———- —- -- 

Moon heard one clear thought in Black pearls mind 


Now that Qibli was gone, Black Pearl had been extra vicious. She had walked up to Moon and started one of her famous punchlines right before an extra hard shove.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Moonwatcher" she said grinning

"Where's your little boyfriend?"

Moon winced as Black scratched her talons along the cave walls

"Is he off, cheating on you?"

"No!" Moon insisted


"He wouldn't cheat on me, we... broke up"


"It's private"

Black Pearl grinned as she slid her talon more towards Moons neck

"How private?"

"Private enough that I'm not gonna tell the school bully" Moon growled as she walked off

Black Pearl ran after her

"WHAT, THE HECK DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?" She shouted as she cornered Moon near the prey center

Moon sunk into the shadows

Kids started gathering around, chanting "fight, fight, fight, fight"

Moon sunk deeper into the shadows as Black roared with anger. 

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME MOONWATCHER!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!" She screamed, talons raising up

The chanting got louder

 Moon sunk deeper into the shadows

Visions of her dying flashing into her head

Visions, or prophecy's?

"ANSWER ME!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Moon whispered 

"The school... bully"

Black swung down with all of her might

Moon didn't get hit

Clay had grabbed Blacks arm right away

"Both of you, to Tsunami... NOW"

Black roared in anger as she grumbled towards the head teachers office

Moon looked at Clay

Clay shook his head

In his thoughts, Moon heard Moonwatcher calling people names, what is happening to the world?

Moon held in tears on her way to the office


Qibli saw Thorn

He held in tears

The castle was in pandemonium, trying get Thorn better.

Six Claws was pacing and Smolder was...


Qibli did a double take


Smolder was crying like two year old got his teddy taken away

Six claws was still pacing

He suddenly stopped and stared at Smolder

"Kiss her"

Smolder stared at him back

Qibli didn't need to be a mind reader like Moon to know that Smolder was thinking 

the heck!?

"Just do it" Six Claws growled

So he did

Nothing happened 

"Dangit im outta ideas!" He shouted


Moon looked down at her claws frowning

Black Pearl was putting on a fake crying show

"Moon just walked" sniff "up to me" sniff sniff " and called me a bully" sniiiiffffff

Tsunami sighed and said 

"Black... just... just save it"

Black frowned at Tsunami

"We all know you've been tormenting Moon for months"

Blacks frown grew deeper 

"Black Pearl, five weeks of detention because this isn't the first time you've been called here this week. Moon, one week. I expect more of you."

Moon nodded and Black Pearl growled.

Detention with Black


Moonbli after the warWhere stories live. Discover now