Jade mountain (finally)

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Qibli and Moon were flying to the wonderful Mountain of Jade, Kinkajou, Turtle, and Winter were flying with them. Winter came back to Jade Mountain a month ago, after he knew everything there was to know about humans. He said that after he graduated, he would teach dragonets there all about humans. For now, he was back to being a student. The Jade Winglet was finally back together. 

Sunny greeted them at the cave entrance, "Thorn told me you guys were coming" she smiled "I rearranged some things, so you guys could all be in Jade Winglet like old times. Qibli, your claw mates with Winter and Turtle. Moon your with Kinkajou and Weed is with Peril. We found a material that is resistant to Perils firescales, and made sort of a jumpsuit so she doesn't set people on fire. Here are your cave assignments and your schedules, have fun!"

Moon and Qibli walked towards their cave assignments, they were right next to each other. "Good night Qibli" Moon said, walking into her cave "Good night" he responded. Qibli beamed as he walked into his new cave, it looked very winter-ish after being inhabited by Winter for a month. On what Qibli assumed was Winters ledge, a small crevice was carved carefully to fit  a human with some room to do jumping jacks. Smaller crevices were carved into that crevice to hold small books, and a mattress was fixed on the bottom along with a pillow and a blanket. A small human was sitting on the pillow and reading a human sized book in their language. Qibli had learned a little bit of human when he was in Pantala, and he could make out the words Wizard of Oz. "Hey" the human said in a surprisingly good dragon accent, "are you Qibli?" Qibli nodded and the small person took the book she was reading, put a leaf in it, and put it back on the shelf.

"Who are you?" Qibli asked, still surprised by their accent "Nova" she answered standing up and stretching "Nova Gronwald" she studied Qibli and scoffed "your the one who 'stole Moons heart'?" Qibli frowned "Wow" he said "you are exactly like Winter". She laughed and opened her book again. 

Qibli assumed that the conversation was over.

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