One-shots throughout the years

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"Daddy!" Eclipse shrieked, jumping into his outstretched talons. "I missed you!" Her sweet face spluttered "mommy did too!" Qibli laughed and set his daughter down on the floor gently. "I bet she did!" Qibli smiled sweetly as Moon walked into the room, her face tired, as always. "How was work?" She asked, wrapping her tail over her talons. "Wonderful" Qibli answered, getting the ingredients out to make dried comobia berry soup "but also tough. Six-Claws is so nervous about the mudwing trade- he's making us work through break! But as long as I get my paycheck im fine with it. How was home-schooling?" Moon smiled softly and Eclipse beamed. "Well, E is getting better at shielding peoples thoughts, and her prophetic powers are getting better by the day!" Qibli smiled and kissed moon on the forehead "that's nice to hear" he whispered, grabbing her talons in hers and twining their tails together. "I want to go to real school"Eclipse piped up, now bouncing around the room "I want to make friendssss" she whined, stretching out her talons and arching her back. "Your too little" Moon smiled as she brushed her talons over Eclipses cheek "Jade Mountain has an age requirement of six" Eclipse whined, realising that it would be two years before she could enroll in the school. Eclipse ran into her room and started to read, already bored with the conversation. "So is Winter coming over tonight?" Qibli asked, putting the broth in the pot and setting the cooker for medium heat. Moon sighed "yes, and he's bringing Owl" she responded with a tired smile "I hope he's nothing like his father, and will be at least somewhat cooperative with Eclipse" She rubbed her temples and smiled softly "I'm gonna go check on the egg" she said, walking over to their room. Qibli added in the rest of the fruits and vegetables to the pot, and walked outside. He marvelled at their little cabin, surrounded by a meadow filled with grass and daisies.  Surrounding the soft meadow was trees. As far as the eye could see. And right behind the cottage was Jade Mountain. Part of their house was built into Jade Mountain, including Eclipses room. After a short walk, Qibli went back into the house to see a bubbling pot of soup. He poured it into six bowls, as he heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" Qibli smiled, opening the door with his tail. Lynx came in first, her eyes bright and energetic, polar (Hah, get it? Polar! Because their ice wings ) opposites to Moons tired eyes. Winter came in next, haughty and angry-looking as ever. Then came in Owl. Qibli had heard a lot about Owl from letters, he was Eclipse's age and the spitting image of his father. But, Qibli was happy to see that instead of Winters icy stare, Owl had a cheery expression like Lynx. "Where's Eclipse?" He asked excitedly "I would really love to meet her" before Qibli could answer, Eclipse popped her head out of her room. "Hello?" She stuttered "did somebody say my name?" Owl gave her a grin and said "yes, hello, I'm-"your my new best friend is what you are" Eclipse laughed, as she pulled him into her room. "She gets that from you" Winter said, inspecting his talons like they were the most interesting things on Phyrria "that pushiness" Qibli just laughed.


Lynx glanced at her boyfriend, sitting down at his desk, studying their house bill. "F*** this" he murmured, shooting frost breath at the flimsy piece of paper, and standing up. "300,000 dollars!" He exclaimed walking out of the study. Lynx quickly ducked out of his way. He was mad, she would tell him the news later. Winter marched into the kitchen and looked around. he's looking for me Lynx realized. "Hi babe, I'm making sushi for dinner" Lynx said, strolling past him like she hadn't just witnessed his recent outburst, in which he destroyed their house bill. He told me he went to a therapist about his anger issues she thought has he been skipping? Instead of lingering on this painful subject, she went to go make the sushi she promised. Lynx and Winter have been living with each other for a week, and their house bill just kept rising, which frustrated Winter to high hell. He slowly walked into the kitchen and caressed Lynxes cheek "I'm sorry babe, did you want to tell me something? You were right outside my study." Winter smiled, but Lynx could tell it was fake, an act he put on so she would like him more "um.. it's nothing babe" she said, exchanging his fake looking smile "forget about it." Winter nodded but he stayed were he was. "Did- would you want to get married?" He asked, startling Lynx "Y-yes, wait is this a proposal!?" She smiled at him, this time real, but by the way his face faltered when she said that, an ever so tiny falter, she knew it wasn't. But he still went along with it. "Yes! Um, yeah totally!" He was nervous, Lynx could tell. But, they got married anyway. Unfortunately, Lynx couldn't let go of that small face falter when he said it, couldn't look past the way he didn't have a ring prepared. The way he still had Moons picture on his nightstand... and the fact that he secretly kissed it every night.


I had been waiting months for my birthday, the birthday when I turned six. Me and my best (and only) friend were sitting on my bedroom floor, stuffing our faces full of cake. Lynx, Winter, Qibli, and Moon were in the other room talking. "And there's going to be a drawing of you pinned to my wall, and you will have a drawing of me pinned to yours?" I asked, repeating what Owl had said just moments ago. "Yes! I cannot go a moment without seeing your face!" He beamed. It made my heart flutter. "I know, my freckles are just too beautiful" I teased, but inside, my heart was threatening to fly across the room and scream in his face 'I LOVE YOU!'. I may have developed a tiiinnnyyy crush on my best friend, I don't really know if that's bad. "They are" I heard him murmur, as he touched each one with his talon. It made me blush, and I knew he noticed. I was suddenly saved by the bell when something else caught his attention. Yelling. "OH SO SHES THE PERSON YOU TRUST THE MOST, NOT YOUR OWN WIFE!?" "I NEVER SAID THAT! HONEY YOUR EMBARRASING ME IN FRONT OF MY FRIENDS!" "YOU MEAN YOUR CRUSH DONT YOU? BABE?! OR CAN I EVEN STILL CALL YOU THAT!?" "YOU CAN F***ING CALL ME WHATEVER YOU WANT! YOUR MY F***ING WIFE!" "BUT YOU DONT LOVE ME!" "YOUR CRAZY!" "MAYBE I AM BUT AT LEAST I DONT HAVE A SECRET CRUSH ON MY BEST FRIENDS GIRL FRIEND!" "AT LEAST MY BEST FRIENDS GIRLFRIEND ISNT INSANE!" I could see the tears forming in Owls eyes,  he didn't deserve to have to hear his parents fight like that. I wrapped my tail around his and put a talon on his cheek, wiping away the falling tears "let's go up to the roof" I said, pulling his hand so he would follow me "get away from all this noise""the roof?" He asked "isn't that like, dangerous or something?" He said it with such a face, I knew he was teasing me. "Oh shut up" I laughed, climbing out the window. We stared at the sunset, and I knew this was the time to make my move "Owl I-"OWL WHERE THE F*** ARE YOU!?" I could hear him sick in a breath at his dads condescending tone. 


Moonbli after the warUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum