Qibli pt 2

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Qibli flew to Jade mountain as fast as he could. Thorn had gotten better somehow, and Qibli wanted to get back as soon as possible.

 Tonight was the brightest night. 

Qibli flew down to the main entrance and raced all the way to Moons cave. Inside was Moon. And, 

Black Pearl!?!?

 Qibli did a double take. And then he realized. They weren't laughing it off like chums, Black was beating Moon to a pulp. 


 and then she punched Moons nose 












 extra hard punch 


"WHAT THE MOONS IS HAPPENING!?" Qibli turned to find Tsunami, who had wanted to greet Qibli at the cave and ask if Thorn was better. She had seen him running and went towards were he was running to. 

"Moon, do you think you can walk to the infirmary yourself?" Moon shook her head and Qibli quickly said "I will help her". 

He ran to Moons side and helped her up, they both walked towards the infirmary.

 "Are you alright? No. Sorry. Dumb question"

Qibli sighed 

Moon sighed "are you mad at me for breaking up with you?" She asked softly.

 Qibli walked a few steps before answering. 

One step.

 Two steps. 

He smiled kindly and stopped walking. Moon did too. 

He gently, leaned in and kissed her.

 Moon kissed back. 

Qibli wrapped his wings around her as if everything was going to be ok. 

When they came up for air, Qibli sighed 



Moon laughed quietly and said "I'll take that as a no, your not mad"

 they resumed walking 

"why would I be mad!?" Qibli asked laughing.

" Oh! I almost forgot". He reached into his pouch and took out her necklace. He wrapped it around her neck tenderly. 

"I love you Moonwatcher of the NightWings"

 "I love you too, Qibli of the SandWings"  

Qibli laughed and said "now I have blood in my mouth" 

Moon laughed.

 Qibli loved her laugh.


Moon just got a couple of bandages and an ice pack. Then, she was sent on her way. 

Moon went straight to Qibli's cave. 

"Hey Moon" he said patting the sand bed next to him. 

He was reading over the prophecy. 

Moon sighed and walked towards his bed. She plopped down next to him and said "Qibli, you wanna go on a date???"

 Qibli looked at her in surprise. "Sure" he said "when?" 

Moon took his talons in hers and said "now". 

And with that, she ran towards the underground lake, Qibli bounding after her. 

When they got to the prettiest spot in the entire school, Moon jumped into the freezing cold water. 

Qibli jumped in after her. 

They swam around for a bit, laughing and talking. 

And then the fog came.

Sorry the last two chapters were kind of short... I didn't really know what to right

Stay awesome and remember to upvote and comment

Moonbli after the warHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin