The Cave

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Qibli had been gone for three days now, Moon was extremely worried. Everybody was. Was he dead? Was he lost? Or had he found his way to a different cave? Nobody knew. Everyday, Moon would sit at the entrance of the cave, and listen for Qiblis thoughts. Rarely, she would hear pieces of his thoughts like "gotta find food" and "where am I" but that was it. Nonetheless, it was the only thing reassuring Moon that Qibli was alive.

Five days had passed and there was no sight of Qibli. Moon sat at the entrance of the cave, straining her ears for some type of reassurance Qibli was alive. Two days had gone by without Moon hearing any form of his thoughts, was he actually dead? The whispers in the back of the cave didn't help at all with Moons doubt that Qibli was alive. "He surely would've died from hunger by now" remarked Bullfrog on a particular gloomy afternoon, or at least Moon thought it was afternoon... It was hard to tell with all the rain. "Qibli probably got hypothermia and died!" Tsunami noticed after a gust of wind blew into the room, making everyone shiver.

A week had passed since Qibli had gone out. Things were extremely bleak. Everyone was cold, wet, and ill. Moon and Lynx had made makeshift medicine (herbs they fond around the cave, which were smashed into pulp), but it did close to nothing. Everybody feared death.

Suddenly, when all seemed lost. Moon heard a voice. At first she thought it was just wind, but then as it grew louder Moon realized what it was. 

A voice!

But not just any voice...

The voice Moon was straining her ears to hear. 

The voice that would save them all.

Moon was certain the others heard the voice too.

It was Qiblis voice

Moonbli after the warOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora