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Cleril, your welcome :)

As the five hovered in the sky above the fog, Weed looked down at her talons. 

"I'm sorry..." she whispered "I can't". 

Tears started to stream down her face, as she looked at the Icewing.

 "Raja I'm sorry, but... we need to break up". 

Raja looked a mix of surprise, anguish, and concern. "Why?" She asked softly, touching Weeds talon. 

Weed quickly pulled away. 

"My bigwings found out we're together. She's um, uh"

 Weed was struggling to find the right words. 

"Homophobic." Raja finished looking down at the fog. 

Weed nodded, looking a mixture of angry and sad. 

Raja lifted up Weeds chin and softly whispered "let's end this". 

She led Weed to the fog, and together they voluntarily jumped in. 

Moon, Qibli, and Parrot were left flabbergasted at the scene that just unfolded. They were all staring at the place the duo just was. 

"That was blasphemous" Parrot whispered after a moment of awkward silence.

 "Gazuntite" Qibli answered, even though it wasn't a question. 

"Well" he said turning to Parrot and Moon "ladies, we need a plan..." 

he started counting on his fingers. "...D" he finished. 

Moon shook her head "this was plan D" she said matter of factly

 "really?" Qibli asked.

 Moon put her fist in front of him. "Us getting married" she put up one finger. "Using animus magic to disintegrate the fog" she put  another finger up. "those two" she put another finger up and then trailed off.

 "And that's it" Qibli said, smirking.

 "oh yeah" Moon smiled sheepishly. 

"Ok on to plan D!" Parrot announced "... anybody have a plane D?".

 Qibli laughed and Moon smiled "yes in fact I do" Parrot nodded towards her as if to say "go on". 

Moon questioned "the fog wouldn't touch somebody if they're flying right?" She asked. Parrot nodded. 

"Well, I say we look for two dragons who are always flying together"

 "ok" Parrot nodded "who?".

 Qibli smiled and looked at Moon, then back at Parrot.


they both said simultaneously.

 "Ok" Parrot said "but we're running out of time".

 Moon looked at Parrot curiously "what do you mean?" She asked cautiously. 

Peril nodded to the fog "this will kill everyone by the time the sun rises". 

Moon eyes widened in fear "kinkajou" she whispered, eyes welling up. 

Qibli fiercely took her talons and said 

"Kinkajou is not going to die, Turtle is not going to die, Winter, Lnyx, Weed, Peril. NONE of them will die. Do you hear me?". 

Moon nodded wiped her tears and said "let's go engage some dragons!".

 They all flew towards Cleril favorite flying spot. 

Claws of clouds mountain

Moon flew ahead, Qibli and Parrot followed. 

Sure enough, everyone's... um.... 

The duo every dragon loves! Was there! CLERIL! 

Moon flew up to Peril and cleared her throat. 

Peril turned to her smiling. "Hey Moon! Sorry I didnt notice you!"

 "Apparently that's not the only thing you didn't notice" Parrot said gesturing to the fog.

 "What. The. Heck!?" Peril screamed. 

Clay came flying over "what is it babe?" He asked warmheartedly. 

Peril pointed to the clouds and Clays eyes turned into saucepans. 

"Weneedyoutwotogetmarried" Moon said super quickly. 

Parrot explained everything. 

"Well" Peril said unveiling a super special ring that couldn't be melted on her finger.

 "You caught me at the right time.". 

Perils red SkyWing face turned an extra redder shade of red as she glanced at Clay 

"it was originally gonna be September thirty first, but this works too.". 

Qibli hummed the wedding march as Peril walked down the aisle, and Parrot married them

 (aka sky because FOG).

 "Do you Clay of the mudwings take Peril of the SkyWings to be your lawfully wedded wife?" She asked

 "I do"

 "do you Peril of the SkyWings take Clay of the mudwings to be your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I mean yes but unless he doesn't want it, I mean I don't want to be trouble and-" 

"kiss the bride before she talks my eardrums off please?" 

And so he did. 

But the fog didn't disappear.

 "Moon..." Parrot said wide eyed "how old are these two?"

 Moon glanced around until her eyes set on the three moons. 

They were setting quickly. 

"Eleven" she whispered. 

"that's not a dragonet Moon." Parrot said. 

Qiblis wings started to get tired of flapping.

 "Moon, the sun is rising".



The last thing he heard was Moons voice screaming his name

And then he fell.

Moonbli after the warWhere stories live. Discover now