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Parrot sighed as she explained everything to the two dragonets.

"I'm a Princess... that means that my mother arranged a marriage for me between a rich handsome dragon. But I don't like him that way. And he knew that. He hired some assassins to come and kidnap me. He locked me up in a tiny cell and gave me two options

"'one' he had said 'you could marry me and be my mate forever.' Of course, I hated that option. I have interests in a different dragon. A peasant. 'Or you could make a spell, knocking out every dragon in the world, except you and I.'

" I don't know what he wanted with the second spell, but I don't think it was to just decorate the world for a dragonets surprise party. I asked him 'for how long?' And he told me this,

" 'until two dragonets marry each other.' I got scared. I would have to marry him either way! I did as he asked, escaped, and then made a spell, 'lead me to two dragonets who are soulmates.' And now I'm here."

Qibli stared at Moon for a hot minute what is she saying? We're only 8! Qibli thought. Moon was staring at Parrot and shaking her head,

"I'm sorry..." she whispered "I don't think I understand".

Qibli knew full well that Moon understood.

"We're only 8." Qibli shook his head

"We can't get married. I know that you don't like this dragon the same way, but there is no way I'm ready for marriage"

Parrot nodded and said "I probably should have known it would be hard to find two dragonets willing to marry early. Goodbye."

"Wait!" Moon shouted as Parrot flew away "we'll help you find some!"

Parrot turned and smiled. "Thank you".

As they flew in the direction of Jade mountain, (the fog hadn't completely covered it yet) Qibli had a thought.

"Parrot... can't you make a spell to make the fog go away, and everyone wake up?"

Parrot stopped flying and stared at Qibli "I could couldn't I?" She smiled starting to laugh. "Wow I'm dumb"

she flew down and snatched a rock from the ground.

She said out loud "enchant this rock too, when I throw it on the ground. Clear the fog covering the world, and have every dragon wake up from their knockout."

She turned to Moon and Qibli and smiled "thank you for your help." She said throwing the rock.

When the rock hit the ground though...

Nothing happened

Moonbli after the warTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang