The meeting

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Moon was walking back from history, a terrible pit in her stomach. Qibli told her about the prophecy, she was scared. When she got to her cave, she saw that Kinkajou was nowhere to be found.

There was a note on her bed, it read


meet us at the 

underground lake 

at 1:00 pm

We need to talk

-Turtle, Qibli, Winter, and Kinkajou

Moon took a deep breath, and walked slowly to the underground lake. 

"Hi" she smiled at the four when she got there

"Sit" Qibli smiled, gesturing to the rock he was sitting on

Moon sat down and took another deep breath

"What is it?" She asked 

Qibli looked at Turtle and he started to fiddle with the moss on his boulder 

"We had a meeting" he gulped "it was about you"

Tears started coming to Moons eyes "ok" she said "I've read Just Jaime by Terri Libenson, you guys don't like me anymore." 

"No!" Qibli exclaimed wrapping his wing around her "no not at all! We're just trying to decode the prophecy!

"You will always be our friend" Winter reassured her

Moon nodded, and Qibli wiped her tears away with his talon. 

"We think" he said "that on the brightest night, a dragonet named Parrot is going to come and lead you to a safe spot because a spell will be put on dragons to try to kill you. But here's the tricky part, you need to chose the right friend to go with you, or else all your friends will die."

Moon laughed a little bit "that's easy! The prophecy said night and day, so it must be you right?" They all have each other worried glances "what?" Moon asked. 

Qibli hugged Moon tightly "Thorn is sick, deathly sick. Me and Sunny are leaving for the sand kingdom tomorrow. I wont be here for the brightest night." 

Moon started crying, "can't you stay?" She pleaded "please Qibli? I need you here!" 

Qibli shook his head and said something Moon hoped she would never hear again "I must serve Queen Thorn." He said crying a little himself

Moon threw Qibli off of her and screamed. She ran to the cave entrance and yelled 

"Im done with you! Your no longer my 'day'"

Moon threw off the Moon shaped necklace he had gotten her in  the sand kingdom and threw it at him 

"Good bye Qibli"

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