The Question

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(Just a funny thing, i was listening to hamilton while writing this chapter RAISE A GLASS TO FREEDOM)

It was wonderful when they got back to home. Qibli flew straight to the desert palace with Moon following close behind him. "Moon, you should go greet Winter." Qibli had said "or your mom" Moon had shook her head "im coming with you, to make sure you wont chicken on our deal".

While they were flying, Qibli had thought about Moon she's so amazing, the way she doesnt care about what anyone else thinks "no" Moon said " Im sorry for listening but I do care" Qibli noticed that some small tears started forming but Moon blinked them away "I care a lot" she finished. "Oh" Qibli said "Im sorry" "no don't be" Moon smiled "you cant control your thoughts, but I can control reading them". Qibli flew up beside Moon and nudged her with his freckled snout. "Look!" Qibli pointed to a giant sand fortress "we're here!"

Moon and Qibli flew down to a small guard pavilion and Qibli said "good morning, I think you'll let us in" The guard's mouth dropped "QQ- Qibli?" She muttered "HES HERE, QIBLIS HERE" she shouted to the other guards "TELL THE QUEEN, TELL QUEEN THORN" Qibli let go of a breath he didnt know he was holding, Thorn was still the queen! A large guard with six claws escorted them to the palace gates " Six-Claws! Long time no see!" Qibli laughed. Six-Claws smiled at him "How's the wife doing? And hows Ostritch doing?" "Oh they're doing fine! Ostrich is so old now, and I have another little one! Her name is Mojave." He chuckled "you do know how long you've been gone, yah?" Qibli shook his head with wide eyes. Six-Claws sucked in a breath as he opened the fortress door " I'll let the Queen tell you". Qibli walked in and Thorn's face emidiately lit up "Qibli!" She yelped as she ran down from her throne and pulled him into a tight hug " I thought you died, were are the others? Are you and Moon the only ones left?" Qibli smiled "we all survived but Moon decided to come with me to the palace" "Ahem" Moon said walking up beside Qibli, Queen Thorn took a step back as she let go of Qibli " I came with him" she said " to remind him of something he wanted to ask you" he nudged him and he smiled. Qibli took a deep breath and said " Queen Thorn, with your concent I was wondering" QIbli cleared his throat " can I go back to Jade Mountain?" 

Thorn smiled warmly "of course Qibli" she hugged him again "but first! Im inviting everybody to the Palace for a festival!"

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