Black Pearl

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An assembly was being held in the main hall. Tsunami greeted everyone with a warm smile " hello!" She said, addressing the school. "We are holding this assembly to introduce you all to our new student, Black Pearl. We recently had an opening in the pearl winglet and we thought 'this dragon literally has pearl in her name! So why not accept her?' Now, go on with your day."

Everybody filed out of the main hall, on her way out Black Pearl spotted Moon. So this is the useless nightwing who saved the world she thought Moon excused it as a reckless jealousy thought and continued to walk out. "Oops" Black Pearl chuckled as she purposely pushed Moon into the wall, bruising her top right leg. Most of the nightwings laughed, as Black Pearl strut away with a dozen nightwings following her. Qibli rushed to Moons side and helped her up "not cool!" He shouted at Black Pearl.

The rest of the week, Black Pearl tormented Moon. Pushing her, tripping her, and even strait up punching her in the face. But Qibli was always there to help her up and defend her. One night, Moon was struggling to fall asleep, and not because of excitement. She was trying to hold on to that one vision, of her future dragonets. Ever since Black Pearl came to school, the vision had been so incredibly blurry. She crept off her ledge and tiptoed into Qibli cave "can I sleep with you?" She whispered so she wouldn't wake up Winter and Turtle "yeah" Qibli said, scooting over and lifting up the blanket so she could come under it. Moon scooted next to him and nuzzled him with her snout, "I can't sleep" she whispered "yeah me neither" Qibli replied "are the bruises keeping you up? You really should go to the infirmary to get those checked" "no" Moon said, scooting closer to him "it's not the bruises"

"Remember that vision I had?" Moon asked


"Ever since Black Pearl came to school it's been fading"


"And now I can't see it at all"

"Oh no"

"You still love me... right?"

Moon was a little choked up when she said that last thing. "Oh Moon" Qibli whispered "always". He snuggled in closer to her "hey, get some rest" he smiled "o-" Moon was about to reply but instead her eyes glazed over and she sat up

the brightest night in a couple days

A mist, a fog, a glistening haze

All against one

One turns to two

One shall die and one survives

Unless they stick like glue




Far Away

A Parrot is coming to lead the way

Put if you do not listen

The one you love shall pay

And then Moon fell asleep. With Winter, Turtle and Qibli staring at each other wondering what the heck just happened. "A prophecy" Winter whispered, Turtle shuddered "let's sleep on this" Qibli said looking extremely worried. They all agreed reluctantly and Qibli put his claw on Moons.

"Every things gonna be alright" he whispered

"Everything is gonna be just fine"

I hope

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