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I lie on my back, writhing in pain, tears sting my eyes, betrayed. My own sister, corrupt by the power Vulture promises, but will never give. My half brother, on his way to deaths doorstep to save his beloved Moon. And I, I did all I could. I can only wait for death now. Qibli will die without knowing the truth about his father. Rattlesnake will be killed by Vulture after she's done with his bidding. And her. She won't even realize I existed. Sure, she and her mother will be in pieces about Qibli's murder, but she will not even recognized I perished in trying to save him. I tried to save him for her. I love her. I only wish I could tell her before my time gives out. She doesn't even know I existed for anything else but then to serve the wicked my grandfather is. She thought me a monster. I think im a monster too. That's why, as I see the light shining ahead of me,  I run away from it. Instead, I slowly get up. I fly, painfully, to the entrance of Jade mountain. If I help Qibli, she will be so happy. And that's all it takes for me. All the motivation for me. Because I love her. She's my destiny. And my destiny looks Sunny. 


I walk, slowly, to Qibli. He doesn't notice me. He's reading out a note. 

Moons begging him not to listen to it. Something about some dream. 

I try to speak, but it's hard. So I just wait for the right moment. 

"Qibli please! It's a trap!" Moon was begging "dont go! Let's think about this!" 

Qibli sighs. "Moon, if it is a trap like you say, and Rattlesnakes waiting there instead of Sirrocco, then I could just kill Rattlesnake!"

 Moon shook her head "no you can't" she says, frowning. "Qibli you're not listening!" 

"She's right" I say at that moment. Everyone surrounding Qibli turns to look at me. 

"Rattlesnake won't play fair." I say, frowning. "She's going to sneak up on you and snap your neck." 

A short green dragonette says "then who says we have to play fair?" He smiles and a short colorful dragonette pipes up

 "we don't even have to kill her! We can just trap her, then send her to Thorns dungeon!"

 A firy dragonette continues "I could maybe just slliiiggghhhtly burn her arms to make her imoble?"  

A tall handsome blue dragonette says "yes! And then we can all have a sing along!"

 Everyone, even Sirrocco could tell he was being sarcastic.

 "I dunno" the sarcastic dragonette brooded "if this gals really as all powerful godlike as you make her out to be, I really don't think we have the brains and brawn to take her down!" 

He sighs, but a smaller icewing gives him a look, and he quickly changes his tone 

"I mean, we could try?" He says, looking at the small icewing with a did I do good? Look.

 The small icewing nodded and kissed him on the cheek.

 "Then it's settled" Qibli said... Moon I'm putting you in charge of planning our attack, but first, I need to fill Sirrocco in!" He smiles and gestures me towards his cave

 I wonder why he decided to trust me so quickly, but I realize once we get out of sight. 

Qibli pins me to the wall and glares at me. "Are you really on our side?" Qibli asks, "or are you just pretending so you can kill me when I least expect it!?" 

"I-I understand why your angry with me." I say "I understand how you don't trust me, but trust this, I love someone. I understand now, how you feel when you see Moon, and it made me reflect on my life. And this reflection was full of regret. I was such a bad..." 

brother? Half-brother? DNA sharer? Was Qibli ready to hear the truth? 

"I was so mean." I decide. "And for... the girl I'm in love with... I'm ready to be nice." 

Qibli seemed to believe me, and I was relieved. I knew he'd understand love-talk. 

"Let's go lock up a Rattlesnake!" I smile. 


The few hours of me planning the attack with Qiblis friends, was more fun than I've had in my lifetime. 

I finally understood why Qibli abandoned us for this. They were all so kind to me. So trusting. 

Rattlesnake would probably call them soft. 

Qibli calls them amazing.

 The small colorful dragonette - Kinkajou- kept doing hilarious impressions of Rattlesnake by changing her scale color. 

And the shy green one - Turtle - bandaged me up nicely. 

The haughty icewing was named Winter, he kept making pessimistic remarks, and the other icewing, Lynx, kept giving him that look that said 

"come on, Winter stop being a haughty ice prince and be more like Qibli". 

That's what Qibli actually said one time.

 The firy one was Peril, she was very violent. Rattlesnake would've liked her. 

I loved the game plan we made, it was ingenious, and a bit funny.

 I didn't know if we could pull it off, but everyone else seemed pretty confident! 

When we got to the underground lake, everyone got into position, and it was go-time.


It was around midnight when Rattlesnake came. She was creeping on the ground, probably waiting for a sneak attack.

 Well, she got one. 

Qibli came out from his hiding place and dropped to the ground in front of her 

"we meet again" Qibli growled. 

Rattlesnake sneered at him "hi" she simply said, before pouncing on him. 

He dodged quickly. Every attack she did to him he countered by twice as many. 

He pounced at her and clawed at her eye beating her sides with his wings, she stabbed him in the leg with her stinger and he pounced back with his, stabbing her in the eye. 

She snapped at him, biting his chest and he cowered back. 

He wasn't done yet though. All he had to do was get her on the X! 

He pounced behind her then pounced in front, pushing her into the spot, but she countered by slicing his scar. 

He clawed at her chest and she shrieked, she jumped off of him and onto the X, but before Kinkajou could drop the iron cage, Rattlesnake jumped out of the way, and while Qibli tried to chase, her, the cage fell around him. 

"Shoot!" He sighs breathing fire on the bars, but it did no damage.

 He whistled for backup and Peril came down, breathing her extra hot fire on Rattlesnakes wing. 

Rattlesnake shrieked, and fell onto the bars, banging her head, Winter came in with his frost breath, freezing her arms and legs to the bars. 

The dragonets all celebrated and cheered, but the battle wasn't done yet. 

Peril walked over to the iron bars and burned a hole in them for Qibli to get out. 

Qibli limped out of the cage and collapsed on the floor. 

Soon, all the dragons in the mountain came running to see what all the commotion was. All I saw was Sunny though.

 I came down from the rocks I was perched on and smiled at her, 

she glared at me "you missed one" she growled but I said 

"I'm good now I promise!"

 I don't know if she'll ever love me, but at least she knows I'm good. 


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