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No not the Disney movie 🫠

It felt like qibli was falling in a spiral. 













Everything felt weird and distorted, like radio waves.

 He tried to come in contact with his own body, but nothing happened. It felt like he was a ghost.

 He suddenly hit the ground hard. Enough to break a bone. But, Qibli didn't feel weak at all. In fact, he felt stronger. 

A warm darkness enveloped him, and he became overcome with new feelings of power. He felt as awake as ever! 

Suddenly, a hand made from fog pinned him down with the strength of a thousand dragons. A light poured into the fog. 

Qiblis sense of being self aware suddenly left his body. He became on the outside, looking in at what his body was doing. 

Slowly, every single dragon enveloped in fog became unfrozen, and flew up to the surface.

 Qibli saw so many other souls floating, watching their bodies do god knows what.

 His soul flew to the surface with them, wanting to see what would happen. 

He wished he didn't, for the second he flew up.

 He saw himself pinning Moon to the ground,

 choking her.


Moon stared in dismay at where Qibli just was. It was as if, a hand made of fog just came up and grabbed him. 


 That was what happened. 

A giant hand just shot up from the fog, and dragged Qibli down. 

Moon looked to her left to see the sun rising, she just stared. Qibli was going to die. She started to cry, when suddenly the fog completely disappeared. 

And tons of dragons flew up into the air, replacing it. Lightning fast, a big mudwing used its tail to whack her onto the ground. 

And then, a weird little sandwing with freckles and a scar, came towards her.

 "Qibli!" She smiled "I thought you were dead! What's happening?". 

Then suddenly, a claw reached forward, trapping her throat. 

"The fog has taken control of there bodies!" Parrot shouted while fighting off two scary looking SkyWings. "It's not them!".

 Moons face was turning blue, she looked to her left to see a sword. She picked it up. "I'm sorry Qibli" she choked out. 

And then, she stabbed him full force. Right into the stomach. 

The dragon doubled over in pain, and the warm eyes of Qibli returned. 

He quickly ran to Moon and squeezed her tight. "I'm sososososososososossososoossoosososososo sorry" he cried. 

Moon pushed him off and quickly said. "I'm sorry but Your loosing a lot of blood, I'm gonna get you a bandage.". 

She flew to the infirmary, grabbed a huge roll of gauze then flew back.

 She gently rolled it around his stomach to control the bleeding.

 "Let's fight some dragons!" He said.

 "All against one, one turns to two"

 "one will die and one survives" 

"unless they stick like glue!".

 As they fought of the mob of angry dragons, they tossed the versus to each other.




 "far away"

 "a parrot is coming to lead the way",

 "but if you do not listen," 

"the one you love shall pay".

Sorry it's so short

Moonbli after the warWhere stories live. Discover now