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It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping, everydragon was happy! 

Well except for the dragonets in Qiblis cave. The distressed dragons were staring at Qibli, as if he could give them some type of answer.

 "Ok" he said after a long while "I have no idea why you all came to me, but you did. And I think I know how to solve your problems!" He turned to Moon. "Just ignore Sirroco, I'll deal with him" he whispered. 

Then, he turned to Winter "find out exactly why she broke up with you, and we will build off of that" he then turned to Kinkajou "we'll see" he put it simply. 

He then turned to Turtle "dude, we are all super relieved you don't have your powers anymore, like seriously. I don't think you need them back." He turned to Peril "I know how to win the DoD's back in your favor" he smiled.

 "Ok then" he said standing up "who's gonna start?" Winter scoffed, but he raised his hand. 

"Ok then" Qibli smiled "so guys, this is what we're going to do..."


Lynx was sitting in her cave crying, Moon came in and started to comfort her 

"what's wrong?" Moon asked, putting a talon on lynx's talon

 "My parents!" She cried "they made me break up with Winter, because he's not 'officially an icewing'" Moon put a wing around Lynx and said 

"Well then, why did you do it?"


 "Your parents don't control you, so why did you break up with him?" Lynx looked at her as if she was a strawberry cupcake with wasabi icing 

"why would I disobey them?" She asked "I would get disowned, and thrown out of my tribe!" 

Moon looked Lynx dead in the eye and told her "Winter did the same thing for a person he loves, your able to make that sacrifice too"

 Moon didn't have to tell Lynx that that person was Hailstorm, because it gave Lynx just the right boost she needed

 "OK THEN!" She smiled "I'm gonna go make amends with him, who cares if I get thrown out of my tribe and disowned!" She sauntered out of the cave as Moon yelled after her 

"I think he's in the prey center!".


Winter came back to Qiblis sleeping cave, doing something super rare. Smiling. And then he did something more rare! He hugged Qibli! And then he did the most rarest thing for Winter to do... HE LAUGHED! "Ok who's next?" Qibli asked, proud of himself. Peril raised her hand...


"Did you hear? Peril saved a dragonet who got stuck in a tree!" Turtle was saying to Tsunami "she's practically a hero!" 

Tsunami rolled her eyes "not much of a hero if you've burnt a couple billion dragons" she scoffed. 

That afternoon, Qibli purposely 'accidentally' stepped off a cliff, and Peril was right there to save him.

 Next morning, she saved a mudwing dragonet from drowning in the river!

 That afternoon the same one year old dragonet got in a fight with Anemone, and Peril split it up!

 News was spreading like wildfire of Perils heroic-ness and ultimately, the DoD eventually found out.

 "Dang she's good" Tsunami sighed, sitting on her ledge

 "what do you mean?" Sunny asked, finally looking up from twineder

 "well obviously she's being nice on purpose to get us to like her" she replied rolling her eyes "well, it's not going to work" 

at that moment, Starflight wandered in "I think it already has" he remarked, adjusting his blindfold "I mean, the entire school practically forgives her for everything! Even Winter is acting somewhat normal around her."

 Sunny nodded "yeah, I think we should give her a little remorse, she just loves Clay, I mean you love Riptide, what's so wrong if Peril loves someone too?"

 Starflight nodded and adjusted his blindfold again. 

Tsunami just exploded


 "I" Starflight remarked "the correct way to say it is Riptide and I" 

"whatever nerdface" Tsunami mumbled. This time it was Sunny's turn to explode 

"Ok Tsunami! We get it you're mad!" She shouted, turning off her phone and staring Tsunami straight in the eye "But that doesn't mean you can call Starflight a nerd!" 

Tsunami just grunted and collapsed into a ball on her ledge, Starflight sighed and Sunny huffed. 

Tsunami started flashing curse words on her bioluminiscente scales. "Cmon Starflight" Sunny mumbled "let's make Clay happy again".

Clay was sitting in the prey center, staring at the floor. He just hadn't been himself since he was forced to break up with Peril. 

Peril trotted into the prey center and everyone separated to form a path for her. Even though she was wearing her fireproof jumpsuit. 

She glanced at Clay and then shifted her attention to a chicken at the other side of the room. 

Suddenly, Sunny and Starflight walked in "oh hey" Clay mumbled

 "We need to talk to you" Sunny whispered, looking around "in private"

 Clay solemnly made his way off the ledge he was standing on and followed the two into the halls "what is it?" Clay asked. 

"We had a talk with Tsunami an-" Starflight began, but Sunny interjected "and she agreed to let you have Peril back" Sunny finished 

"really!?" Clay asked, looking like he just won the lottery

 "yeeeeaaaahhh" Sunny squeaked

 "Colcoolcoolcool ima go tell Peril!" He ran into the Prey Centre at the speed of light.


"Well, I guess that just leaves Turtle" Qibli grinned. Turtle shook his head "no thanks, if Kinkajou likes me better without animus magic, then SCREW animus magic"

 Kinkajou laughed and Qibli shook his head

 "alright then" he sighed "I guess that leaves my problem." His cheery attitude disappeared and he looked down at his claws

 "what's your problem?" Turtle asked "we could help you!" 

Qibli shook his head "this" he sighed 

"is a problem I must solve on my own"

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