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Moon was so exited for class, she could barely sleep. The whole night she was rolling around on her ledge, trying to find a more comfortable spot. "Moon" Kinkajou had said more than once "Moon, your inability to sleep is making me not able to sleep.". And then she would throw her moss blanket over her head.

Moon finally went to sleep at around one in the morning. And the second she woke up, she threw on her pouch and woke up Kinkajou. "Well look who switched roles with me!" Kinkajou laughed as she hopped out of bed. They both raced down the hall to art.

Qibli was already there, free drawing on an empty scroll. He was drawing a meadow, with flowers scattered around all over it. "Good morning Moonwatcher of the nightwings, Kinkajou of the Rainwings. How are you guys?" He smiled. "I couldn't sleep, I was too excited for art class!" Moon replied beaming "she apparently switched roles with me" Kinkajou laughed.

Moon suddenly went blank, it looked like she was staring at something. "Moon?" Qibli asked worriedly, "Moon are you ok!?" Moonwatcher just stared blankly at the wall. And stared. She snapped out of it right before the first warning bell rang. "Moon did you have a vision?" Kinkajou asked, putting her talon on Moons "yeah" she replied, turning to Qibli. Moon smiled softly "but it was a really good one" she said. Qibli rushed to her side "what was it about?" He asked. Moon began to say something, but Sunny walked in and cleared her throat to signal that class was starting.

Qibli sat at a canvas next to Moon, "What was your vision about?" He asked. Moon checked to see if Sunny was listening in, she wasn't. Sunny had said it was a free art period while she checked her twineder account again. No matches. Sunny frowned, she definitely was not listening in. "It was about a sunny field, like the one in your drawing." Moon started to draw something "two dragonets were tackling each other in a playful manner, a third older one was reading under an Apple tree. A female voice shouts out 'dinner time kiddos!' And they all come rushing inside a cabin that is placed at the edge of the meadow. You are trailing behind them slowly, but you're much older. Around 15. A nightwing greets you at the door and you laugh softly 'I love our dragonets' you say, smiling. And then the night wing replies 'I love you Qibli' you laugh and say 'I love you too Moon'"

Qibli could see that she was drawing the scene she described.

He smiled at her

Moonbli after the warWhere stories live. Discover now