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Moon ran to her cave crying. She was too sad to notice the pattern of footsteps behind her. She flopped down on her ledge, and soaked up her moss pillow with tears.


 Kinkajou called, stepping into the cave 

"Oh, Moon".

 Kinkajou flew up to Moons ledge and nudged her with her snout "why did you break up with him?" Kinkajou asked sweetly "he loves you". Moon sniffled and stood up "I I I-" she started. She gave up and sat back down "I don't know..." she whispered "I love him too, I can't live without him! But... He cares so much about his Queen that, I don't know. It sometimes feels like he likes her more than me". 

Kinkajou slapped Moon. 


 "Ow!" She screamed covering her cheek with her talons "that's for being a snail brain!" Kinkajou swore "Qibli loves you more than all the moons in Pyrrhia. More than he'd ever care about some SandWings Queen who saved him from his abusive mother!"

 Moon stared at Kinkajou in awe "you're right" she nodded tears starting to form again. "I'm such a Camel breather, how could I be so selfish?! Queen Thorn saved his life when his mom had enough of him. He's just returning the favor. And I freaking broke up with him!? Poor Qibli! He must be heartbroken!" Moon trailed off and her eyes went wide.

 "Oh no" she whispered "Kinkajou do you know what this means!? The prophecy said that if I'm not Qibli's girlfriend, then he's going to die! This is bad! The brightest night is in two days! I've got to get him back!". 

And with that, Moon ran out of the cave.


Qibli stood there in shock. He stared down at the necklace. As if, when he stares hard enough the necklace will magically go back on Moons neck.

 "I'm gonna go get some fresh air" he mumbled, walking out of the cave. He went outside, to the main entrance.

 Winter was staring at the place Moon was standing a minute ago, Kinkajou ran outside to talk to her. Moon broke up with Qibli! Three years ago, Winter would have been grinning ear to ear. But now, Winter ran out of the cave towards the main entrance.

 "Qibli!" Winter said smiling sympathetically, "are you ok?". Qibli looked at him grinning "yeah I'm fine! You?" 

His eyes were red and puffy.

 "Sand snorter, you are not fine" Winter growled "the love of your life just broke up with you, and you're trying to make small talk!? I will never understand you.."

 Qibli started crying again "you're right" he sniffed "I'm not fine"

 Winter nodded and said "better" he handed Qibli a handkerchief that was in his pouch. "Here" he said. Qibli wiped his eyes and blew his nose, Winter grabbed the handkerchief and started soaking in the front lake.

 "Why are you being so nice?" Qibli asked "who are you and what did you do to Winter???"

 Winter wanted to laugh, but he masked it with an eye roll. "I can be nice sometimes" he insisted. He saw the look on Qibli face and sighed "I know how it feels ok? To be rejected by somebody"

 Qibli smirked a little "I wasn't rejected though" he insisted

 "Moons your annoying." Winter sighed. "I just... I get it ok?!" He scoffed.

"I get it okay!? Haughty sniff, scoff" Qibli echoed with his snout pointed towards the air

Winter couldn't help it, he laughed "we would never allow such linguistic lunatics in the almighty ice kingdom" he scoffed sticking his snout up into the air like Qibli. 

They both erupted into laughs. When Qibli finally got his act together, he smiled "thanks Winter" he said, stretching "I'm gonna go plead my case to Moon" Winter laughed and said "I'll go with you".

They walked into the cave just in time to see Moon leaving "*very naughty word*" Qibli whispered Turtle perched up when he saw Qibli "Moon just left! She was wondering where you were! She said she's going to the art cave! She told me to tell you to meet her there!" Qibli smiled "I'll go there then" he said sauntering out of the cave.


Qibli walked into the art cave, hoping Moon was still in there. 

Qibli realized that the whole time he was talking to Winter, the necklace was clutched in his fist causing it to get very sweaty. He went to the paint towels to go and dry it off. 

On his way there, he tripped over a canvas and went sailing into a pile of duck feathers for arts and crafts. 

Moon turned around, curious. But since the lights were off all she saw was a pile of duck feathers. 

Qibli turned back to the towels and watched his step this time. But, like I said, it was dark. Qibli tripped over the exact same canvas and went sailing out the door and onto a wagon for carrying art supplies. 

Paint squirt all over him.

 The cart started to roll, down the hall, and out of the mountain. Qibli flew out of it right before it fell down a cliff on the side of the mountain, but the paint was weighing him down. 

He fell down the cliff yelling. The only thing that was keeping him from dying was the fact that his wings still worked, and he flapped them just before he hit the ground.


Qibli washed off in the lake. It took him hours to climb back up the mountain. 

It was dark now. He wondered if Moon was still in the art cave, waiting for him. 

Qibli walked solemnly to the cave to check.


Qibli sighed, and walked towards his sleeping cave.

 "Hey Winter, hey Nova, hey Turtle" he sighed. 

Qibli plopped down on his sleeping ledge exhausted. 

"How'd it go?" Winter asked "you guys were in there for a while..."

 Qibli sighed "I fell down a mountain" he interrupted. He told them the full story 

"oh..." Turtle sighed "so... bad?" Qibli nodded. 

"Ha!" Nova smirked. 

Qibli fell asleep. 

He dreaded tomorrow.

EEEEEEEEEE 1000 words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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