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 Qibli was back! Moon rushed outside to greet him with a warm hug. The rain thundered down like menacing bullets onto hers and Qiblis back, Moon did not care at all. Qibli was holding something big, Moon got excited. Was it food?

As Qibli slumped into the cave wet, exhausted, and hungry he dropped not one thing but many things. Food! Everybody ate like they haven't ate their whole lives, Qibli stood there watching. Although he was very hungry, (  more hungry than them in fact ) he couldn't bring himself to eat. After all, he did leave them here in the freezing cold without the warmth of his scales. "Aren't you going to eat Qibli?" Moon asked, " no, I couldn't" Qibli answered " did you already eat?" "Yes" 


Moon could easily read Qiblis mind and she knew something was up " you didn't" she said. Qibli sighed "no"... "no i did not" "eat" Moon shoved a seal into his hands and repeated "eat" Qibli reluctantly brought the seal to his snout and took a nibble. It was sooooo good! Qibli hungrily ate the rest and even went back for seconds! "I thought you already ate" Moon smirked, Qibli thought about saying something but instead he just smiled at her. "Goodnight" Qibli yawned "goodnight Qibli" Moon smiled.

And with that they fell asleep in the corner of the dank cave


Moonbli after the warWhere stories live. Discover now