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Hi! I'm not dead, you can't get rid of me that easily! 

Voila! Another chaotic chapter!

This chapter was mainly inspired by the song Notes/Prima Donna from Phantom of the opera 😀

Qibli was lying down on his sand bed. Just staring at the wall. Like usual, a spiral of thoughts were going in his head

What if Moon hates me now for some reason?

Can I win her back?

Who is this guy?

Moon wouldn't cheat on me right?

Wait was that-

Qibli perked his head up and stepped off his bed. 

He needed to know for sure. 

Qibli was about to step outside when a crimson red Kinkajou came bounding inside. Kinkajou started to pace.

 "This is bad this is really really bad." She was shouting in Qiblis ear, turning crimson red, then dark purple then crimson red again. 

"What are you talking about!?" Qibli asked, taken aback by Kinkajous choice of scale colors. 

"THE SANDWING!" She screamed, loud enough for the entirety of the dragons passing by to stop and stare.

 "He's trying to steal Moon from you" she growled in a much more quiet voice 

"I'm not worried" Qibli stated. 

Even though he was, indeed, extremely worried. 

"I am!" Kinkajou shouted, again capturing the attention of others.

 "Look, Moons not gonna cheat on me, ok?" Qibli chuckled. 

Inside he was not chuckling. 

Kinkajou was not chuckling either. 

"That's the thing." She stated, sitting down, her voice grim. Her scales turned a deep dark black as dark as Qiblis black eyes.

 "He will stop at nothing to get her to cheat on you."

 This just confirmed Qiblis suspicions more

 "what is his name?" Qibli asked.

 "Oh jeez." Kinkajou rolled her eyes "he told us in the cringiest way possible. He ran after us after Moon totally refused his offer to the spring dance" 

Qibli couldn't help but smile when she said that.

 "And he said this 

'wait! My name is Sirocco but you can call me!'

 And then he threw a piece of paper at us with his number on it. We threw the dang thing away." 

Qiblis face whitened as if he saw a ghost. 

"What is it?" Kinkajou asked turning a light shade of green to indicate worry. 

"That's my brother" he whispered staring down at his talons. 

Kinkajous eyes went wide. 

Suddenly, a bustling Moon bounded into Qiblis room and started to pace

 "this is bad this is really really bad" she whispered, starting towards Qibli.

 She whimpered and dug her body into his wing. Qibli, still looking at Kinkajou, instinctually wrapped his wing over Moon and carefully twined his tail with hers.

 "We know" he sighed 

"how?" Moon asked 

Kinkajou shook her head 

"I don't think she's talking about Sirocco" she stated.

 Qibli flinched at the name 

"no, I am" Moon shivered "he said if I didn't go out with him he would tell everyone I can read minds and see the future." 

Qibli sighed and nuzzled her forehead with his snout. 

"Wait, how does he know!?" Kinkajou asked, turning red again

 Moon was about to answer, when Turtle came in, his wings twitching nervously 

"this is bad!" He sighed

 Kinkajou turned to him and nodded as if to say 'go on' 

Turtle sat down next to her and she flinched away a bit. 

Turtle frowned and said "my animus powers are gone again."

Everyone in the room sighed and Kinkajou leaned into Turtle 

"thank the moons" she sighed. 

Suddenly, a very grumpy looking winter came storming in shouting "this is bad this is soooooooooo freaking bad" 

he growled plopping down on the floor next to Turtle

 "Lynx broke up with me!" He cried "why would she do that!? She said it was personal, but what does she mean by that!?"He shouted, starting to pick at his talons.

 Qibli was very surprised at the sudden filling of the room. 

A very flaming Peril all of a sudden came stomping in. 

She sat down isolated from all the other dragons and started to cry 

(it mostly just looked like steam) 

"this is sooooo freaking bad" she sniffled.

 Winter looked at her like she was a dragon flame cactus about to explode. 

"The DOD found out about my secret marriage with Clay, and they forced him to break up with me!" 

Turtle tapped Perils talon reassuringly (she was wearing her fireproof jumpsuit).

 And then, a weeping  mudwing came bounding in

 "this is horrible!" She vented "my big wings found out I'm lesbian and she somehow kicked me out of my sibs!" She cried 

"who are you!?" The entire Jade winglet asked 

the mudwing frowned

 "I'm Weed" she said 


"the Jade winglet mudwing?"


 She turned to Peril "your claw mate?" 

"Ooooohhhhh!" Peril said "Weed right?" 

Weed sighed and left

 "never mind I'm gonna go talk to Raja" she sighed.

Moonbli after the warWhere stories live. Discover now